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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1083

It was the Francis in early August.

There were dark clouds in the sky. The heavy rain poured down, and the minibus was moving slowly on the state highway.

Because the rain was too heavy, they had to stop and restart all the way. It seemed that there was still a long way to the flood-stricken area. There were two big trucks in front of the van, which were all loaded with goods for transportation.

Vegetable fields on both side of the road had already been submerged.

"Ah, when will the rain stop?" The person sitting in the front sighed.

The longer the storm lasted, the worse it was for the flood-stricken area.

Anthea, who was in the last row, looked out of the window. The rain covered the glass, and there was a thin layer of water vapor in her sight. The rain would not stop.

"Damn it!"

A foul language came from the side.

Anthea turned her face and rolled her eyes,

"Leonardo, keep your voice down. The teacher is going to hear it!"

Leonardo curled his body in his seat, and his legs were crossed in a casual manner. He was holding his mobile phone, playing mobile games. He was playing with all his energy. He had just lost, so he shouted out in anger.

When he heard her words, he immediately looked nervously ahead.

Anthea hit him with her elbow, "Stop playing. If power and water were cut in the flood-stricken area, you'd better leave some power."

"All right then!" Leonardo put down his phone.

Looking in the front, Anthea said, "I guess we'll arrive at the disaster area in the afternoon. Be careful when we get there! Don't mix the hemostatic with other medicines again, or teacher will flunk you. When we get back, your dad will beat you with a whip!"

"I know!" Leonardo shook the yellow hair on his forehead and snorted, "What's so hard about studying medicine? Just follow the procedures and prescribe according to the condition."

Anthea shook her head and laughed.

Her hair was a bit shorter, and she had a bang. It hung down on her plump forehead, making her eyes look even larger, like black gems.

Next month, she would be in her sophomore year in a medical university.

At the beginning, she wanted to learn medicine because of Adam. She just wanted to get closer to him. But later, she had to give up.

However, the application had already been handed in before she went to Francis for Adam. Because she was full of enthusiasm, all her preferences were medicine. Finally, she got admitted into a medical university as she had expected.

Although she had lost her initial desire, Anthea gradually fell in love with this occupation and wanted to be a good doctor.

As for Leonardo, it was a special accident.

When Anthea went to register at the school, she was surprised to meet Leonardo, who was also holding the admission letter in a low spirit. After asking, she learned that he was forced to come by his family. The family only gave him two choices, either to join the army or to study medicine.

Leonardo was used to living in luxury. How could he be willing to endure the hardship in the army?

Now it was during the summer vacation. There was a famous professor in the Medical University named Vincent Zanon. During vacations, he often participated in the medical teams of different places and would take his favorite students. After all, such experience was closer to clinical work when they would become doctors, and students could learn more than serving as a handy man in normal hospitals.

Anthea was Vincent's favourite student. But he took Leonardo with him only because Leonardo's father had wielded the Schain family's influence.

Leonardo's father wanted his son to get some practice.

At this time, they were following the medical team and rushed to a county town suffering great flood.

Thinking of her determination to never come back to Francis in her life, she didn't expect that she would come again out of the quirk of fate...

"Here we are!"

Someone suddenly called out.

The minibus slowed down and stopped. The two big trucks in front of them had also stopped, and everyone in the vehicle went down one after another.


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