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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1153

Last night was the last military training. The school held a farewell party for the military officers who came to work as instructors.

Just like the other two days, Adam didn't go back to the faculty apartment. After training, he left with an excuse and didn't attend the party.

The others believed Adam's excuse. However, Shelby had followed him. She knew why he was in such a hurry to leave!

A girl had moved into his place!

Shelby was madly jealous.

"Shelby, does Instructor Adam really living here?" At this time, a girl asked.

Shelby came back to reality and faked an elegant look, "Yeah!"

As soon as she answered, another girl echoed, "Of course it is true! Have you forgotten who Shelby is? She is Adam's sister-in-law. She has the closest relationship with him among us!"

The others all chimed in.

Although, they did not mean to support Shelby because they all saw Shelby punished twice by

Adam during the military training.

Shelby touched the hair by her ear and felt much more comfortable.

Being flattered by the others made her feel pleased.

"Shelby, isn't it improper for us to go to his place like this?"

"It should be all right. Instructor Adam was busy and didn't attend the farewell party last night. There is nothing wrong with us coming to show our gratitude and say goodbye! After all, as the chief instructor, he worked hard during the military training!"

"That's right. Let's show our appreciation. Instructor Adam will be happy!"

Shelby was the one who incited them to do this whole thing.

She used the excuse that Adam had not attended the farewell party to persuade the others to come to say thanks and say goodbye to him in person. More than ten girls were enticed and made quite a scene.

Shelby had her motives.

During the military training, she lost face when punished in public. Now, she wanted to save face in front of her classmates. Moreover, it was not military training. Adam would not be so serious anymore.

Moreover, using the farewell as an excuse, she could go to Adam's place and check with whom he was living!

Shelby's heart filled with coldness. She said slowly, "The elevator is here. Let's go in!"

The group of girls squeezed into the elevator, and Shelby pressed floor 17.

"What should I do? I'm very nervous!"

"What will Instructor Adam's apartment be like? Will he invite us to have dinner with him?"

"Ah, we arrived. My heart is beating fast!"

With a ding, the elevator reached the designated floor, and the girls became noisy.

At the same time, inside Adam's apartment.

Anthea gasped for breath because of Adam's kisses and got up with a flushed face until he left for a long while. Feeling hot on her face, she ran to the bathroom and washed her face with cold water.

Right after wiping her face with a towel, she heard someone knocking on the door.

Anthea was confused, thinking that Adam had left something behind and gone back for it, and wondered why Adam did not use the key to open the door.

When she reached the door, she peered into the cat's eye.

Her subconscious action made her freak out in a cold sweat.

Outside the door stood a dozen of girls instead of Adam, with whom she was familiar. And Shelby was in the lead...

"What's happening?"

Anthea held her breath and didn't even dare to breathe.


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