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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1299

Adam leaned against the wall. He was tall and strong. His years of military career made him a man with ramrod posture.

The profile of his chiseled face was handsome. He had a prominent nose and a sharp jaw. He was so outstandingly masculine that he tended to attract women's attention wherever he went.

Amelie just could not shift her eyes from him.

In the past six years, she had been trying so hard to win his affections.

The old lady certainly knew her feelings from her intense gaze. She sighed and said, "In the army, Brock thinks most highly of Adam, and I really like you! Everyone thinks that you two will make a great couple. I had discussed with him, and we decided to give your a vacation to get married. But Brock suddenly fell ill..."

Hearing this, Amelie kept her composure, though she was ravished with joy.

She achieved this step by step.

Amelie pretended to be very considerate and said, "Godmother, we are not in a hurry. The health of my godfather is the most important thing now!"

The old lady raised her head again and looked to the operating room.

"Don't worry too much!" Amelie comforted her. After a brief pause, she changed the topic. "Alas, I'm just afraid that Miss Lee is so young that she may act on impulse sometimes!"

"Compared with these military doctors, she was much less experienced. Yet, she still stubbornly insisted on performing the operation. I’m really afraid that anything bad will happen during the operation. What should we do then-”

Just as Amelie finished speaking, the eyes of the old lady’s turned even redder, and her face became more gloomy.

Looking at the closed operating room door, Amelie squinted.

She firmly believed in her heart that Anthea would not be succeeded in doing this surgery.

She was waiting to see Anthea come out of the operating room and announce the failure of her operation. At that time, how could she deal with the chief's wife and other military doctors?

The death of the chief during the operation would ruin her reputation as a doctor. Insides, the madam would not let her go easily. At that time, how could she continue to be a doctor? It would be best if she could not stay in Ice city any longer and had to

escape abroad!

Amelie could hardly wait to see that!

The hours dragged on. Finally the sky outside darkened.

When the neon lights shrouded the whole city, the door of the operating room finally opened. Anthea came out in a green surgical gown, drenched to the skin. Even her back was wet all over.

She took off her hat and mask, revealing her tired face.

Her elfin little face was not as bright as before, and she walked weakly.

When Amelie saw her in low spirits, she guessed that she must have failed the surgery, and a smile flashed across the depths of her eyes.

Everyone in the corridor looked at her, but they were too nervous to ask the result.

Anthea gasped and said, "The operation is successful!"

"What?!" Amelie's expression changed rapidly.

She lost control of her emotions, and her voice was a bit sharp.

Fortunately, everyone around was shocked by the success of the operation, and no one noticed her aberrant behavior.

The operation was actually successful?!

A wave of nausea swept over Amelie.

But none of the military doctors dared to perform the surgery. Was Anthea really so powerful?

The old madam staggered forward. She looked surprised, perturbed, and still full of disbelief. In a hoarse voice, she asked again, word by word, "Did you say the operation was successful?"

"Yes, Madam!" Anthea nodded and added, "I've cut out the tumor. The operation is successful. The patient will be transferred to ICU. As long as he wakes up after the following high-risk 24 hours, he’ll be all right!"

Amelie's voice returned to normal as she continued trying to set her up. "What if he won't wake up?"

When the old lady heard this, her joyful face was instantly covered with a layer of sadness.

Anthea frowned, feeling a little speechless.


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