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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1461

Erik specially called Anthea and Adam "my adoptive parents", so as to distinguish them from his biological father and mother. It could thus be seen that he still regarded Anthea and Adam as his parents in his heart.

After hearing Erik's narration, Crystal gradually calmed herself down.

She clutched her coat with her fingers and listened to him silently.

The train continued to chug on. The lamplight of the dining car shone on the two of them, swaying like candlelight. It was such a warm and cozy environment.

Erik continued, "Lil Star, I didn't mean to disappear completely from your life!

"At that time, I went back to the plateau area of Tbridge City with my biological mother. Everyone in my family was watching us closely, and we needed to be very cautious. If I contacted you, my family members and relatives would think that I didn't want to faithfully and loyally return to my ancestral roots!

Lil Star, I really didn't want to part with you... And Mom and Dad... But...

My father was killed on the battlefield a long time ago. I had to protect my mother for him. Otherwise, he would not be at ease in the netherworld! Lil Star, will you forgive me?

Crystal pursed her lips.

Erik had his own difficulties. He didn't heartlessly leave her behind.

Crystal lowered her head and remained silent for a long while. Suddenly, she took two steps forward, stood tiptoed, and pulled off his jacket.

The collar was wide open, revealing his camouflage T-shirt inside and the bronze skin.

Crystal looked up and down on Erik's chest as if she was looking for something. Then, she became disappointed because she couldn't find it.

Erik took something out of his pocket and asked with a smile, "Are you looking for it?"

He was holding a black necklace in his hand, which was woven with silk threads, and there was also a small lucky star linked to it.

Crystal looked over in surprise. It was the very thing she wanted to find.

In fact, this necklace looked very ugly and rough, and it was to some extent twisted. It was indeed made by Crystal in the manual class when she was still an elementary school student. She gave it to her brother as a present when she returned home that day. She told him that it was a lovely star.

Crystal also ordered proudly that she wanted Erik to wear it all the time. If ever he lost it, she would never forgive him!

There was a slight smile on Erik's face now, and his eyes were full of tenderness. He said, "Soldiers are not allowed to carry ornaments with them in the army, but I have always carried this lovely star with me!"

Crystal humphed. "Not bad..."

Then, she burst out into laughter happily, and her eyes were as charming as the crescent moon.

The moment she saw him take it out, her heart felt warm and touched. This feeling was just like the frozen snow was being melted by the bright sunshine.

In fact, it was just a childish joke when the two of them were still children, but Erik had kept it until now, which meant that he cherished Crystal very much, that he had never forgotten about her.

Crystal smiled even more brilliantly.

However, the two of them had grown up after so many years of separation. It would be inappropriate for her to rush forward and plunged herself into his arms, just like what she did when they were children.

Crystal grinned and called out loudly. "Erik!"

Erik raised his hand and rubbed her head, just like what he did countless times in the past.

Under the orange lamplight, the brother and sister smiled at each other.

Crystal returned to the compartment and lay back on her bed. She blinked her eyes and looked at the top of the bed.

Something must have gone wrong!

Crystal originally thought that she hated Erik, but how could she forgive him so soon?

In her sleep, Crystal occasionally pouted, and occasionally smiled sweetly.

The compartment was quiet.


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