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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1838

Mrs. Barron was busy every day. After the two of them chatted for a while, Tina said goodbye to her and left.

The mobile phone rang.

When Tina saw the caller's number, she became delighted, and then she pick up the phone.

Wilson said in a deep voice. "This evening, I played LEGO toys with Isla after dinner. Just now, I read her a storybook before going to bed. Now, Sister Kaylee is coaxing her to go to sleep. Tina, when will you come back home?"

Tina felt sweet and comfortable.

Wilson's words sounded like he was urging his dear wife to go back home as early as possible.

"I'll go back home a short while later!" Tina told him with a smile. At that moment, she happened to catch sight of Desmond, who was shaking the champagne glass in his hand. Tina added, "By the way, Desmond is also here!"

Wilson was surprised. "Desmond... Really?"

"Yes!" Tina replied.

Wilson seemed to pause for a moment, and then he added in a deep voice, "I see. I'll go there and pick you up!"

Tina didn't feel anything special. She just hung up the phone with a smile.

Mrs. Barron quickly announced that the activity was over. In fact, the original end time was earlier, but as everyone was waiting to see what would happen next and didn't want to leave so easily, the end time was postponed.

Now that they saw Tina had finished the repair work of the cheongsam, which was almost unbelievable, they left the site one after another. Some of them were still talking about it, and they thought that this was incredible. They felt that Tina was just like a magician.

Mrs. Barron had specially prepared some gifts for every participant of the activity. Everyone who was leaving would be able to receive a gift.

There were a great many people gathering up near the exit.

When Tina and the others went over there to collect the gifts, she saw that Abby was also there, chatting gracefully with another young lady standing next to her.

When they passed by each other, Tina halted her steps.

Susan saw that Tina seemed to have something to say to Abby, and therefore she and Desmond left first.

Abby nodded slightly to the young lady and turned around to look at Tina with a smile. "Miss Hall!"

Tina's eyes were as serene as a blue lake.

She was not as hypocritical as Abby. Instead, she went straight to the point and asked, "Miss Amery, have you arranged for it?"

The mastermind behind this accident was indeed Ab by.

Maya loved Wilson very much, and thus was very jealous of Tina. When she saw that Tina was wearing a huge diamond ring on her finger, Maya suffered from a heavy mental blow, as she thought that the relationship between Tina and Wilson had reached this stage. As a result, Maya was very depressed.

However, Abby came over and told Maya that for a rich and powerful man like Wilson, he might love Tina very much only for a certain period of time. When he got bored with Tina, it was very likely that he would dump her at any time. Abby also encouraged Maya that she still had many opportunities to win Wilson's heart.

Maya mustered up her courage and became confident again because of Abby's words.

That's why Maya was willing to be used by Abby as a weapon to attack Tina.

"It's not easy to express the inexpressible..." Abby pretended to be surprised when her trick was exposed by Tina. She then try to explain with a smile, "Although I know Miss Cherry (Maya), We're just ordinary friends. It was quite normal for me to chat with her very friendly. However, what Miss Cherry had previously done to you was indeed too mean, so to speak. Fortunately, you succeeded in repairing the cheongsam in the end, and therefore Mrs. Barron didn't blame you! I feel glad for your success, but my suggestion is that you should forgive Miss Cherry."

It seemed that Abby was unwilling to admit that she had done anything wrong.

However, both of them were aware of what was going on.

Tina did not intend to argue with her aimlessly. She smiled faintly and said, "Speaking of that, I must say 'thank you' to you. The damage of the cheongsam indirectly helped me. Now that Mrs. Barron has decided to give the next quarter's contract to our studio, I actually feel very grateful to you!"

Soon after she arrived, Tina saw that Abby and Maya were standing and talking together, she immediately became on guard.

But she still failed to avoid the accident purposefully caused by Maya.


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