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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1839

Will You Make It Up to Me Tonight?

When Wilson saw that Tina was walking towards him, his thin lips curled up delightfully.

Just as he was about to open the door of the car for her, Tina suddenly embraced his waist. The next moment, her warmful lips sealed his.

Wilson was amazed.

At this time, there were still a great many people and vehicles outside of the hotel.

Although Wilson and Tina were very intimate with each other in private, Tina was actually a little shy in her nature. It was a rare instance for Tina to kiss him on such a public occasion, which made Wilson very surprised.

He caressed her face and asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Tina blushed and looked a little embarrassed. She pretended to cough and said, "I suddenly wanted PDA, Public Display of Affection!"

Wilson smiled sweetly.

Although he did not fully understand what Tina was thinking about, he still enjoyed the feeling of being kissed by her, and therefore he was willing to cooperate with her.

Wilson rubbed Tina's cheeks with his fingers, opened the door of the car for her, and then went around the head of the car, got in, and sat on the driver's seat.

He started the engine of the Mercedes- Benz and drove it away from the hotel.

Tina fastened her seat belt and glanced at the rearview mirror. Through it, she could clearly see the figures of Abby and Maya, who were still standing in front of the hotel.

Tina felt happy about it.

The Mercedes- Benz was moving on the busy street, while Tina could casually enjoy the beautiful scenarios of neon lights.

As it was red light ahead, the car stopped. Wilson asked with a smile, "Has everything been going well tonight?"

Tina nodded. "Uh- huh... An interesting incident happened during the activity tonight, which could also be said to be a very annoying accident..."

She told Wilson everything that had happened in the activity, including the secret cooperation and plot of Maya and Abby.

After hearing this, Wilson's face immediately darkened a little.

Tina smiled at him. "Unexpectedly, Susan and I became the winners tonight. We've won Mrs. Barron's contract, and Susan was so overjoyed for it!"

Behind the lens, Wilson's eyes were shining with happiness, and he commented proudly and firmly, "Tina, your capabilities are beyond doubt!"

Tina felt so proud of herself.

She was moved by Wilson's praise, and she felt warm and comfortable.

It seemed as if in Wilson's eyes, Tina had always been the best. Wilson's encouraging words made her feel sweet, and there was also an air of confidence in her expression.

Tina's zeal for apparel design was so remarkable that she was not afraid of any problems in this profession.

She had confidence in herself. She had already visualized how to repair the cheongsam in her mind before Mrs. Barron allowed her to do so. Otherwise, she would have been scared out of her wits when she saw that Mrs. Barron had been frowning after the unique cheongsam was damaged.

In this regard, Tina had relied completely on her capabilities of apparel design to win Mrs. Barron's favor.

Tina thought that there was nothing to worry about Maya Cherry, who almost posed no threat to Tina, but Abby Amery was a more formidable enemy of Tina. However, Abby probably could not sleep well tonight.

Thinking of Abby, Tina suddenly remembered another thing.

Before the start of the activity, Desmond and Abby inadvertently talked about Bill Amery's health, yet at that moment Abby's expression was a little strange, as if she was trying to cover up something.

Tina also felt strange.

Seeing that Tina was at a loss, Wilson raised his eyebrows and asked, "Tina, what are you thinking about?"

Tina shook her head. "Nothing special..."

Tina did not think too much about it. She thought that it should not be her concern. Maybe Bill was only suffering from ordinary flu because of seasonal change, and more importantly, it had nothing to do with her.

Tina was so concentrated on her thoughts that she did not pay attention to anything else. When the car stopped, she looked up slowly.

Tina was amused when she saw the surrounding environment.

They had not returned to the No.1 Luxurious Residence. Instead, Wilson had driven the car to a remote riverbank. There were scantly any people around, and only a street lamp could be seen ten meters away. This was such a quiet place.

Tina was puzzled. "Wilson, why do you take me here?"


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