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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1851

A short while ago, Maya put down the goblet in her hand and walked straight toward Tina with a gloomy face. It looked as if she wanted to do something rude to Tina.

However, when Maya was halfway there, two men who looked like security guards suddenly came forward and blocked Maya's way.

Without saying anything, they directly pulled her out.

Maya seemed to struggle for a while, but one of the security guards said something to her. Then, Maya's face became pale and she left the banquet hall without saying a word.

Tina was dazzled.

She almost did not know how to react to such a sudden change.

Wilson, who had finished chatting with his friend, walked back to Tina at this time.

Tina turned to look at him. Under the bright crystal lights, his facial features were sharp and handsome, and there was a faint smile on his face. The platinum-gilded glasses made him look gentle, yet he also gave others the impression that he was a man of power and determination.

Suddenly, something suddenly dawned on Tina. She blinked her eyes and said, "Wilson, you did it for me, didn't you?"

When Tina saw Maya just now, she also noticed that Wilson was whispering to Terry.

Wilson did not deny it.

A stern look appeared on his face as he said in a deep and cold voice, "I've inquired Desmond about what happened in the last activity. How can I give her another chance to behave unproperly in front of you?"

Tina had indeed told Wilson about the accident which occurred in Mrs. Barron's activity.

It was just a rough narration of the accident, and Tina did not attach great importance to Maya. She simply felt that Maya was just like a tool used by Ab by.

But Wilson's attitude was obviously different. He could not tolerate Maya bullying Tina.

Tina noticed the flame of anger in Wilson's eyes and asked hesitantly, "What else did you do to her?"

Wilson's expression became a little more casual.

Terry, who had already returned, answered on behalf of the boss, "President Chin has just ordered me to release the news that the Chin Group is going to acquire the Cherry Group with a huge sum of capital. If Maya Cherry dares to make trouble again, the whole Cherry Group will pay a very great price! Miss Hall, now you can rest assured that Maya will never appear in front of you again in the future!"

It was such a simple, brutal, and powerful


Tina looked at Wilson again and swallowed her saliva. "You're really the Domineering CEO!"

Wilson replied proudly, "It's good that you know it!"

Tina was speechless.

Wilson took away the goblet in her hand and put it down. "Tina, come over here with me. I'll introduce someone to you!"

Tina was puzzled, yet she followed him to the window of the banquet hall.

Wilson halted his footsteps in front of a woman.

Like the other female guests in the banquet, this woman was dressed in a long evening gown, and she looked very beautiful indeed. However, there was something special in her temperament. She looked like a very professional office lady.

Tina looked at Wilson blankly.

She did not understand his intention. Why did he take her to see a woman here? Yet she did not panic at all, as she had great confidence in Wilson. She was just a little confused.

Wilson smiled. "This is Mrs. Holman's personal assistant. She has been serving Mrs. Holman for ten years..."

When Tina heard this, she widened her eyes in surprise and amusement.

Only then did she realize why Wilson took her to the banquet in such a mysterious manner.

The ten-year personal assistant of Mrs. Holman...


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