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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1852

Tina and Wilson had an appointment to have lunch together during the lunch break.

Wilson had just met his business partner and, after that, he dropped by to pick up Tina. The weather of winter in the north was dry and cold, so they decided to eat hot pot.

The Rolls- Royce drove to a large shopping mall, and the hot pot restaurant was located in the dining area on the fourth floor.

Terry had to go back to the company to sort out some documents. Wilson instructed Terry to pick them up after Tina and he finished having the meal.

When they were about to get off the car, Wilson said to Tina, "By the way, Hayden may call upon us and have the meal together with us. He will come over here after finishing a lawsuit in the morning!"

Tina nodded and had no objection.

There was a hint of evil amusement in Wilson's smile. "Hayden has been in a bad mood recently. You should comfort him when he comes!"

Tina couldn't help laughing.

She still remembered that Wilson came back home with a strong smell of alcohol last time. He told her that he had been drinking wine with Hayden before.

Tina could not imagine how heartbroken Hayden would be after he was dumped.

When they were about to go into the shopping mall, a taxi stopped nearby. The rear door of it was opened, while a man and a woman got off it one after another.

Tina was surprised and asked in surprise, "Malee?"

She was indeed Malee Chiang. She got off the taxi with a man. It seemed that the two of them were here for lunch too.

Of course, the man was not Hayden.

This man was slightly thinner than Hayden, yet he still looked tall and straight. He was two or three years older than Malee, with clear eyebrows and short-cut hair.

Malee and this man seemed to be intimate with each other, yet still not as intimate as two lovers.

Tina was stunned.

She couldn't help but wonder how Hayden would feel if he saw this scene.

As soon as this popped up in her mind, Tina caught sight of a suddenly- appeared figure, whom she immediately recognized as Hayden.

Tina screamed in her heart, "Oh... No!"

Hayden's face was despair and furious, and he strode straight towards Malee and the man. His hands had already been clenched into fists, as if he wanted to kill the two adulterers.

Seeing that things were becoming out of control, Tina was very afraid that a violent fight might begin soon, so she quickly pushed Wilson forward.

Hayden did raise his arm towards the man, but he did not want to fight at all. He hit heavily on the man's neck. The man fainted on the spot before he could react.

This accident occurred so fast that the taxi driver still had not left yet.

Hayden directly pulled open the rear door of the taxi and threw the man into it. He then closed the door and asked the driver to drive the taxi away.

Seeing this, Malee's pupils almost dilated. "What did you do? Are you crazy?"

Hayden clapped his hands. His amber-like pupils were almost indistinguishable under the sunlight. "Do you feel sympathetic for him? I just knocked him out temporarily. He won't die for it, anyway!"

Malee was seriously shocked by Hayden's brutal and violent behavior.

Hayden saw that Malee was shocked and anxious. He sneered and asked, "Why are you so nervous about the sissy pants?"

"He's not sissy pants!" Malee was furious.

She turned around and wanted to go after the taxi.

Hayden stretched out his hand and grabbed Malee's collar, pulling her back.

Malee tried her best to push him away.

Hayden's face was as gloomy as dark clouds, and there seemed to be a storm brewing in his eyes. "I've told you that you must not hook up with other men behind my back. Have you forgotten that?"

"Hayden Chiang, you're a bastard!" Malee's eyes were filled with tears when she heard those words. She was also angry. "It was you who told me that you would let go of me, that you wanted to kick me out of your world! How dare you go back on your words!"


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