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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1959

Mia was at a loss what had happened.

Lyle gritted her teeth. "Her name is Sonya Gunn, an actress working for your husband's E Entertainment. What's more, Sonya is your husband's rumoured former girlfriend. But this is not the most serious problem. Not long ago, when Sonya attended an activity, she was interviewed by a news agency. The reporter asked her about your marriage...

A normal person would choose to avoid such a sensitive topic, but Sonya deliberately faltered and almost cried on the scene. What a b*tch!"

Mia was petrified by this b*tch called Songya. "..."

Lyle was extremely good at identifying b*tches... She couldn't have made any mistake in this field.

Mia was silent for a while. Then, she coughed and said, "Help me register an account..."

After a short break, Mia and Lyle returned to the city at about three o'clock in the afternoon.

Even after getting in the car, Mia was still having fun with Twitter.

It was almost the first time for her to be a "keyboard woman", and she felt excited about it.

Mia didn't know how to give bad comments at the beginning. Lyle taught her how to do it: Depict Sonya as a b*tch from different angles, directly or indirectly.

Mia glanced out of the corners of her eyes at the man who was focused on driving the car.

Desmond's facial features were outstanding. He had maroon-colored curly hair that made him look dashing and handsome. When he was focused on doing something, he demonstrated a different type of personal charisma.

A young man like him could easily win the hearts of girls.

Mia wanted to inquire Desmond about Sonya Gunn, but at the same time, she felt that she might appear to be too petty by doing so.

Desmond happened to look in Mia's direction.

Mia felt a little guilty, and she quickly turned off the APP page of commenting on Sonya's twits and began to read the news page. The news was about the music concert.

Mia paused for a moment and coughed to hide her embarrassment. "I heard that there would be a music concert in the Northern Hurricane Concert Hall tomorrow night. Many people are vying to buy the tickets. Are you interested in it?"

Desmond asked casually, "You really want to go there?"

Mia thought for a moment and shook her head. "Not really..."

It was because Mia didn't want to go there to be an audience. She had agreed to serve as a guest performer for Milan the pianist.

She originally wanted to ask if Desmond was interested in watching the concert. If so, she would invite him to watch her performance.

However, before Mia could say anything else, Desmond's mobile phone rang.

It seemed to be an important phone call for business affairs. Desmond put on his Bluetooth headset, and Mia didn't have any chance to invite him to the concert.

It was not easy to drive a car on the country road.

It was already very late when Desmond and Mia returned to the villa.

The servant retained by them had arrived in the morning. She was a middle-aged woman who looked modest and simple-minded. Old Master Borbon was the person who recommended this servant.

After having dinner, Desmond and Mia went back to their bedroom tiredly.

After taking a shower, Mia lay down on the bed.

Then, it was Desmond's turn. He wrapped himself in a bath towel, left the bathroom, and turned off the lights.

He lifted the quilt and lay down beneath it.

In the darkness, they could hear each other's breathing.

The curtains were drawn down, and the bright moonshine shed in through the gaps between the curtains. The atmosphere in their bedroom was to some extent erotic now.

Although the light inside the bedroom was dim, Desmond could still roughly see Mia's round, sexy shoulders and lotus-like arms.

Although Desmond had turned off the lights before helping Mia to change her clothes into pajamas last night, he still inevitably felt the curvy features of her body.

Both of them felt a little hot on the bed.

Desmond coughed. "Mia, have you fallen into sleep now?"

Mia had lay down with her back to Desmond.

She had been nervous as soon as her husband crept onto the bed, and it took a long time for her to reply, "Well... Not yet."

Desmond swallowed his saliva heavily.

They were not lying on the bed closely or intimately, but Desmond's eagerness, and Mia's desire, could not be denied.

Desmond tossed.

He gradually approached his wife.

Mia also felt that her husband was taking action. She became very nervous.

She had never had any intimate contact with a man before, and therefore everything was unknown to her, which made her feel more excited indeed.


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