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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 541

"Yes, something related to your mother!" Helen nodded, lowered her voice, and said, "You think that your mother chose to jump off a building because of me, don't you? But the truth is that the day she jumped, there was another woman besides me who had gone there to see her!"

"What did you say?" Wendy was shocked.

Helen continued to say, "The woman was very imposing, and she brought a secretary with her. When I came up from the stairs, I happened to see them go into the ward! They talked for a long time inside with your mother. When I went in, your mother was sitting on the ground feebly. I tried many times to provoke her, but she didn't hear me at all. She just looked at a novel blankly. As for the imposing woman, I remembered that the secretary called her Mrs. Gray!"

Mrs. Gray?

Wendy was stunned.

Then her brain was in buzz, and she just faintly heard Helen begging her to show some mercy before the door was closed.

All she could think about were the words she had just heard.

In fact, when their blood relationship with her was exposed, Johnny had told her that her mother's heart had never belonged to him. Even when she jumped off the building to end her life, the name she shouted out loud was not his...

He must have taken this matter to heart because he said these in an upset tone, his eyes wet.

Therefore, Helen did not lie about it. She had secretly guessed that if her mother didn't call Johnny's name, she must have called Kim's. And she was sure that Mrs. Gray, whom Helen talked about,

was Linda Scott, Madge's mother!

She came out of the police station. Just as she walked down the last step, she heard the brakes squealing.

Wendy looked up and saw a white Land Rover on the side of the road. The door opened, and a tall and strong figure jumped out. Holding the car key in his hand, he strode inside, the hem of his suit drifting with him.

She was a little surprised. Why would he come over?

Before she left the company, Wendy had called him, but knowing that he was in a meeting, she came here by herself. After all, they were in the Public Security Bureau, and Helen was under custody so that she could not do anything to harm her. Wendy would like to hear what Helen wanted to say to her.

She suddenly remembered that there was a little spy in the office!

Connie must have reported her situation to him. After he learned about it, he immediately drove here. Wendy could tell he must have driven through several red lights because he looked so anxious when he arrived.

Seeing him striding over, Wendy stood still and waited for him with a bright smile.

Charlie, tall and well-built, quickly came to her. He looked her up and down and asked with his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Wendy smiled.

Charlie was relieved. He glanced behind her, his eyes colder. He said in a low voice, "She is restless even when she has been locked up. Why did she want to see you?"

"Let's talk about it when we're back!" Wendy replied.

Charlie nodded and strode out of the Public Security Bureau with her in his arms.

Since Wendy had taken leave, she didn't go back to the company. Although Charlie had some business to deal with, he didn't intend to go back. Instead, he insisted on taking her to the hospital for a maternity test for fear that meeting an enemy in a police station would hurt her health and mood.

Since she could not make him change his mind, she had to do what he wanted.

It was not too late, and with the help of Simon, they successfully entered the office of the director of obstetrics and gynecology in a short time.

In the first two examinations, she completed the first one by herself and did the second one with Tilly after saving her. It was the first time that Charlie accompanied her to do a maternity check. During the whole process, he was earnest and severe.

After a test, Wendy sat up to straighten her clothes while he asked in a gentle voice, "Doctor, is it a boy or a girl?"

Hearing this, the director said with a smile, "I still can't see it now. You can only know it when the fetus is three to four months old!"

In the past, many people held a feudal idea that boys were valuable while girls were worthless. Thus, doctors were not allowed to reveal the sex of the fetus to avoid wilful abortions of female fetuses. But after all, life is precious. After the country has introduced a second-child policy, fewer people would do that. Nevertheless, doctors would secretly tell their acquaintances the sex of the fetus.

"Um," Charlie then said with certainty, "It should be a girl."


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