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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 542

The next morning, everyone in the office was busy.

'Wendy delved right into sorting out raw financial data she received as soon as she sat down. It was then she noticed the pink cushioned-chair next to hers was empty. She had not seen Connie since punching in together in the morning.

By the time she finished sorting out all her materials, finally did Connie came back, looking visibly downcast.

She sank into her chair and leaned sideways with a glum look on her face.

Bonnie tilted over to look at her, grumbling, "Dammit, Connie. You're here to work as soon as you arrive in the morning, not trot off to be a busybody?"

"What happened?" asked a puzzled Wendy.

Connie turned to face her and with a lowered voice, she said, "You don't know, Bonnie and Wendy? Daisy of Marketing is getting a divorce!"

The news stunned Bonnie. Setting aside her work, she joined in the gossip, "Divorce?! I thought she's only been married for barely a year and she's even pregnant since early this year! Just a couple of months short of her delivery and she wants a divorce now!?"

Wendy was also very surprised. She had met Daisy Walton before and in fact, because they were fellow mothers- to- be nursing their pregnancies, they even talked about their babies before when they met during conference.

"What else? Her husband's been cheating of her!" muttered an irate Connie, "I heard that Daisy's husband been cheating on her when she became pregnant. To think that the baby's not even born yet! Daisy is crying so sadly that her colleagues at Marketing are all trying their best to console her. They say she'd already prepared her divorce papers and she wants to keep the child."

Men these days just seem to crumble before the temptation to wreak their own relationship or marriage. Whether it was a transitory passion of the mind or the flesh, men just can't seem to hold their own.

A seasoned woman herself, Bonnie sighed, "I dare say it's common for men to look for satisfaction outside when they can't find any during their wives' pregnancy. Remember Zhang upstairs? She was having her second when her husband was caught cheating on her too. They say he was fooling around with a new secretary at his workplace. That's why women must be constantly vigilant about their men, especially during pregnancy. You won't know when and why his fly zips open suddenly!"

Wendy's face blushed red when she heard that.

Because she was feeling exactly the same herself. Even Charlie had decided to sleep in the guestroom last night, remarking nastily that she was a tiresome woman.

Out of nowhere, Connie suddenly grabbed her hand nervously, saying, "You're pregnant too, Wendy! You need to watch Mr. Hogg carefully!"

"Keep your voice down!" Wendy rushed to cover her mouth.

Connie must have realized she had spoken too loudly. Her shoulders shrank as if in fear as she squeaked, "I got carried away! Sorry! But Mr. Hogg's so suave and dandy that I'm sure there are many who will be willing to pry your hands off him! What if he fails to keep himself under control!? You're not even registered! You need to watch out!"

"Well, can't say it's wrong to be cautious," quipped Bonnie, bobbing her head.

Wendy could only manage a smile at that and said nothing more.

The white Land Rover eased into a stop by the intersection outside her office building as usual.

Connie and Bonnie both clutched at her arms firmly, chaperoning Wendy until they reached Charlie. "Mr. Hogg," said Connie proudly, "We hereby return Wendy to you. Don't worry. Bonnie and I have made good sure that no one sees you!"

"Thank you so much," Charlie said, pursing his lips.

Connie rolled his eyes and asked deliberately, "Well, Mr. Hogg, Wendy had given you a son and now she's bearing your second child. Surely you what to do? When are you going to properly marry her and hold a banquet for us all to celebrate with you?"

There were words that Connie spoke on Wendy's behalf.

Charlie looked sideways at Wendy and muttered, "That depends on her."


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