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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 889

It was not the first time that Emily had heard someone say this.

She was long used to such a scene. No matter where he went, Simon would enchant many, even foreigners in a remote country like Country S. Girls who saw him would immediately be charmed by his outstanding appearance, not to mention Misha, a young girl like who had just stepped into society.

Misha crouched over there, talking about Simon. She seemed to have been utterly infatuated with her. "Sister Emily, to be honest, I'm very envious of you! I'd like to have a boyfriend or marry someone as handsome as your husband!"

"He's not my husband." Emily shook her head and explained, "We've already divorced for a period of time. He's only my ex-husband now!"

"No wonder you came to live with me these two nights!" Hearing this, Misha whispered in surprise. However, she continued to gossip. "But he came all the way from to Country C and Country S to find you. He must want to be with you again! Oh, my God, it's so romantic. You must have been greatly touched, haven't you? Like those reunited couples in romantic TV series, you'll soon go back to his arms, right?"

The first part of her words was right. Simon followed her here because he wanted to be with her. As for the rest...

Emily raised her hand and pinched the space between her eyebrows, feeling a little troubled.

Emily opened her mouth but found it hard to clearly explain the things that happened between them in a few words, so she could only say, "No, I won't..."

However, Misha's words reminded her. If Simon still found an excuse to avoid going to the embassy, she had to drive him out after work today! After all, she could not let him live in her dormitory like this all the time!

When she got off work in the evening, she went straight back to her apartment on the top floor.

Emily thought that he might have gone already, so she leaned over and opened the mat before the door. Unexpectedly, the key was down there. She opened the door in surprise, but then saw Simon's suitcase was still there, standing next to the sofa in the living room.

He was not in the apartment, but he did not leave. Emily thought that he must have gone out to do something.

Today Emily stayed a little longer in the office and discussed some local conditions with the chief editor through emails. At this time, the sun outside gradually disappeared. As time passed by, the lights around were turned on.

Although the surrounding area was not very prosperous, this place was brilliantly illuminated at night.

She heated up a glass of milk. Before she could drink it, someone knocked on the door. Emily pursed her lips helplessly and put the glass down to open the door. She thought it was Simon, but she did not expect it to be Angeline, the foreign lady living on the same floor.

"Miss Sam!"

Just like yesterday morning, she called her as soon as she came up.

Seeing that Angeline was in a hurry, Emily quickly asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

The foreign woman repeatedly nodded, her dark and fat hand grabbing hers. "Miss Sam, I need you. Please come downstairs with me!"

Without waiting for her to respond, she took her hands and pulled her out. Emily did not understand what was going on, but she still closed the door and hurriedly followed behind her, going downstairs step by step.

Until she came out of the apartment building, she still could not figure out what had happened.

"Angeline, what's the matter?" Emily was confused.

She smiled mysteriously, showing two rows of white teeth, and pointed forward. "Look ahead!"

Emily heard him and looked in that direction in confusion. Then she was stunned and stood rooted to the spot.

Two hundred meters ahead of her appeared a large heart- shaped ring. Many candles formed it in delicate glass cups. Then, one after another, a few heart-shaped rings followed behind. At the end of the string of rings appeared a huge heart, with six heart-shaped rings of candles.


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