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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 645

"I know what you mean, and it's not like I want to get back with Neil just because he saved me. I just can't help but worry about him, considering he did save my life." I felt a bit embarrassed, but managed to respond calmly.

"He's not in any danger, Irene. You don't have to worry about him. I guess we were just too eager to see you two patch things up, and we might have said some things we shouldn't have. Don't take it to heart," Faith said before ending the call. After that, when I tried to call back, her phone was off.

From that day on, Neil seemed to have vanished off the face of the earth. Even Ryan and Faith were out of reach, a stark contrast to how things used to be between us.

Even Mitch was keeping secrets from me. No matter how much I inquired, he wouldn't spill any beans about Neil's whereabouts.

"Rena, if Neil has made his decision, maybe it's best we let him be. Didn’t you once say you wanted to cut ties with him? Now you don't have to worry anymore," Stella tried to comfort me, but even she couldn't hide the awkwardness in her voice, so she just patted my shoulder and stopped.

A year had gone by, and so many things had happened. Karina was extradited, and with Frank’s statement, along with the surveillance footage I provided, the evidence was overwhelming. She had no leg to stand on. The cause of the fire at my villa was also uncovered; Louis had set it, now caught, yet still believes he did nothing wrong, insisting it was all Ryan's fault.

Alicia and Sean had a beautiful baby girl, though for some reason, they hadn’t gotten around to officially tying the knot, seemingly still working through some issues.

Russel’s surgery left him with complications, preventing him from performing complex operations. Yet, he traveled the world, helping countless people, Mitch told me. It had been ages since I last spoke to him, despite him being aware of my situation with Neil, he never intruded, only occasionally checking in on me through Mitch.

It felt like everything was finally settling down, yet in these quiet moments, my thoughts often drifted back to the years I spent with Neil.

Stella and the others often tried to get me out of the house, hoping to revive the spirit I had before my divorce. I tried to go along, but my heart was elsewhere. Now and then, a silhouette resembling Neil would catch my eye, leading to disappointment every time.

What tormented me most was hearing the kids occasionally call out for "Daddy," not knowing who they were really asking for. I wondered, if Neil did come back, would I stop him from seeing them? Probably not, because I believe he wouldn’t fight me over them and would want to be a good father regardless of our relationship status.

It seemed as if Neil had decided to start anew, cutting off all contact with me.

"Alright, I should head back to the kids, see you ladies later~" Stella waved goodbye after another get-together.

Alicia and Barbara also had their hands full with their little ones. We never stayed out too late anymore, knowing the kids would miss their moms. After saying our goodbyes, I drove home alone.

Halfway there, on a whim, I turned the car around and headed in a different direction.

Another winter had come, the air filled with a fine mist, no snow yet, but the chill was settling in. Alone, I drove back to Sterling Estates.

I'd visit this place every so often, hoping maybe Neil would show up.

But every visit ended in silence, the mansion as quiet as a hibernating animal, the once lively estate now desolate, its grounds overrun and fountain dry.


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