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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 646

I decided to give Russel a condensed version of my past life's saga, with a focus on him. After I finished, he stayed silent for what seemed like an eternity.

I knew how bizarre my story sounded, but deep down, I believed Russel would trust me.

"I'm an atheist," Russel finally said, turning to face me with an unreadable look in his eyes.

"So, you don't believe me?" I was taken aback, especially since Neil had believed my story before.

Russel didn't directly answer my question. Instead, he asked, "If you've indeed been given a second chance at life, why are you still looking for Neil? Isn't this the outcome you wanted?"

That question had been haunting me too.

Before Neil's accident, I was indeed chasing this very end. But everything changed after the incident. My feelings evolved from resentment and frustration to guilt and longing.

I didn't deny it. Instead, I openly admitted to Russel how my feelings had changed. "Russel, my emotions towards Neil shifted from resentment to guilt and longing after a series of events. Reincarnation may have altered my path, but it couldn't change the emotions buried deep within me. You might find me foolish, but I'm done trying to brainwash myself."

Russel closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat, a look of sorrow enveloping him. After a while, he opened his eyes again and said, "Neil has moved on. Are you going to keep holding on?"

He knew about Neil moving on, probably through Mitch.

Finding Neil was my biggest challenge. I even visited Whitmore Co., only to find Ryan in charge, with no sign of Neil.

I couldn't believe Neil would go to such lengths just to avoid me.

Suddenly, I asked Russel, "Has Neil contacted you?"

He seemed surprised by my question but then shook his head with a bitter smile, "No, we haven't spoken since our fallout."

Disappointed but not surprised, I forced a smile. If Mitch kept things from me, why would Russel be any different?

After a long silence in the car, my parents called, urging me to come home. Before leaving, I asked Russel, "Where will you be staying upon your return?"

"The same apartment as before." He seemed burdened by something, but I didn't pry.

Driving Russel to his apartment, I reflected on the past year spent in Rosemont, filled with memories and the beginnings of my story with Neil.

Chapter 646 1


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