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Reborn, Reawakened, Rekindled novel Chapter 650

After dinner, I brewed some coffee for Stella and Mitch. Despite our casual conversation, I was hardly engaged, my gaze constantly drifting towards the living room door. I had even left the front gate open, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the real estate agent with potential buyers.

Around three in the afternoon, the sound of a car engine shutting off signaled their arrival. I stood up and headed towards the front yard.

Outside, a red compact car was parked, from which the real estate agent emerged first, beaming at me before opening the passenger door for a man to step out.

My heart raced, hoping to catch a glimpse of a familiar face, but the man who stepped out was a complete stranger, bearing no resemblance to Neil except in gender.

Stella and Mitch stood behind me, their faces mirroring my disappointment upon seeing the newcomer.

“Ms. Finch, this is Mr. Wilson, interested in purchasing your property,” the agent introduced.

I masked my disappointment with a polite smile, extending my hand, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.”

“Pleasure’s all mine, Ms. Finch. I’m here to take a closer look at your house today,” Mr. Wilson said, shaking my hand, though I couldn't help but notice his palm was damp with sweat.

I nodded, releasing his hand, and signaled the agent to lead the way for a tour.

Observing Mr. Wilson's every move, from the way he walked to how he occasionally wiped his forehead, I found myself answering the questions he directed at the agent.

Upon reaching the second floor, Mr. Wilson paused at the sight of Serena and Brandon playing. He took out his phone, “Ms. Finch, could I take a photo of your kids? They’re just adorable, and I really like children.”

His request felt odd, but I didn't refuse. Watching him snap a photo of my kids left me feeling uneasy, yet he seemed quite pleased with himself.

After the tour, Mr. Wilson expressed no complaints and agreed on the spot to buy the house in cash, much to the agent's delight who was eager to finalize the details at his office.

Just then, Daisy, our dog, began barking excitedly, darting out of the yard before I could stop her. I chased after her, convinced she had recognized someone familiar.

It had to be Neil!

Rushing after Daisy, I was consumed by a mix of hope and excitement until Russel blocked our path, asking humorously if I was racing Daisy.

Disappointed not to find Neil, I caught my breath, “Why are you here?”


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