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Rejected Mate - Quest For The Throne novel Chapter 3

Euphoria's Pov
The house stood so tall that I could see it clearly from outside but I was too busy with Logan to notice.
The compound looks so neat and vast with a garden somewhere in the middle, night bulbs glowed around the house making it look bright in contrast to the dark and gloomy night.
"That stunning?" Logan asked cockily.
"Uh?" I asked in confusion.
"I said, is the house that stunning?" He asked again.
"It is. Why are you so arrogant though?" I asked, scrunching up my eyebrows.
"Trust me, I'm not in any way arrogant. It's the way you look so surprised at things you find mesmerizing that amazes me." He complimented.
"Mesmerizing things like what?" I questioned.
"Like my body…. and house?" He listened while feeling himself and stroking his beards.
"Don't flatter yourself. You aren't even that hot, I've seen men with better physiques than yours." I spatted.
Yes…that's a big fat lie.
His jaws ticked, his brown eyes darkened.
If it wasn't confirmed that I've hallucinated a lot of times today, I'd say his eyes glowed.
"You're not good at lying, you know…” Whatever Logan recited and opened the front door.
If I thought the exterior looked stunning, the interior looked breathtaking.
It looked exquisite and had the warm feel of a home.
Yet, I don't feel like I belong here in any way.
"It's beautiful." I complimented, taking in everything.
The sitting room was so large and shiny, white walls and couches created a bright and gentle serenity.

He hummed in reply and climbed the stairs while gesturing for me to follow him.

When we got to the first floor, he opened the first room by the right and entered.
"You'll stay here for now. My floor is above yours." He said simply and turned around to leave but I stopped him.
"Don't you think we need to talk." I queried and stood akimbo and watched  his back tense up then he sighed deeply and turned around.
"About?" He asked.
"You know what…" I started simply. "Start by telling me what that creature who attacked tonight was." I added.
"Uh?" He asked in mock confusion.
"Don't play dumb with me Mister." I grumbled  sternly even though I know I look and sounded like a kitty whenever I try to feign being mad.
He sighed and walked towards the bed then sat down.
"You might want to sit down for this." Logan emphasized.
That serious?
I sat down like he said and bit my cheeks in anticipation of what he had to say.
"Do you know what a werewolf is?" He asked.
"That? Yeah… I've read novels on werewolves, they are just fantasies though. They aren't real. What's the correlation between werewolves and this conversation?" I asked in confusion.
"What if I said they were real?" He asked.
I burst out in laughter at the question.
I laughed till I felt almost breathless and was clutching my stomach as they started aching.
"That was really funny. So comical." I continued in between laughter.
But he wasn't smiling at all.
I saw the seriousness displayed on his face.
That poker face!
"I'm being serious here. If you want proof, I can show you one. You just need to give me permission to do so." He revealed in a very serious tone.
"You're s-e-rio-us?" I stuttered.
"I am." Logan stated simply.
"You mean the notion of wolves transforming into humans and vice versa is true?" I asked.
"Yeah…." Logan  answered.
I covered my mouth with my palms to suppress the laughter bubbling up my throat but it made itself known nevertheless.
I wheezed out in laughter, one even more intense than the one that escaped my mouth minutes ago.
"You'd pass as a great comedian though. I mean, your facial expression was top notch. Enough of the jokes about werewolves now, tell me about that creature." I reiterated.
"You asked for this…." Logan insinuated and looked at me straight in the eyes before he started removing his shirt.
I screeched when he took off his shirt completely, his chest on full display.
If not for the awkwardness of the situation, I'd have admired his upper body. It looked so yummy.
"Follow me, please." He instructed and walked towards the door.
Still laughing, I followed him out of the house to the backyard where there was clean artificial grass.
"Don't fret." He ordered.
"Okay, is this where you'dmurder me?" I asked.
He took in a deep breath and took off his pants, leaving him in his briefs.
"Is this some kind of ecdysiast?" I asked while covering my eyes.
"Your eyes need to be opened for this." He remarked.
I removed my hands from my eyes when I heard the seriousness of his voice.
"Okay…" I trailed off.
Logan looked at me intensely then suddenly, fangs appeared in place of his canines when he opened his mouth, claws replaced his fingers and hair sprouted out of his body.
He started going lower to the ground and I discovered that happened because his bones started reshaping into that of a wolf.
What stood in place of Logan was now a midnight black wolf with drops of white. It's eyes glowing even more than the headlights of a car.
This was exactly the creature Logan saved me from tonight!
I screamed out in horror, black dots appearing in my vision. I fell hard against something before consciousness consumed me.
As I woke up, the memories of the previous night hit me like a freight train.
The terror, strange creature, the stranger who ended up being the exact replica of what almost killed me - it all came rushing back in a dizzying wave of horror.
The morning sun was streaming through the window, and silence enveloped the whole surrounding. Now that I thought of it, I did not come across anyone in Logan's house throughout last night.
My foolishness surprises me at times, he's a complete stranger I met not up to twenty four hours ago. And yet, here I am, in his house, thinking he was protecting me.
I do not trust people easily but last night came unexpectedly, it was like an instinct in me knew he wasn't going to hurt me in any way.
A knock resonated through the room on my door. I did not bother to reply, I only pressed myself closer to the bed as if it would provide protection for me.
The door opened and the familiar, yet unfamiliar musky scent of the woods mixed with an alluring cocoa filtered through the room.
"I know you're awake." Logan marveled.
I did not reply, only closed my eyelids tighter than earlier.
A scream escaped from my lips when the blanket was yanked from my body and strong, warm hands carried me off the bed.
"Let me go, you beast." I screamed out in terror.
" You dare not!"


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