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Salute to the General novel Chapter 2498

“En garde!” bellowed Ashuras while he waved that inordinate jewel-encrusted scimitar about in his hands.

Nathan met Ashuras' eye while his sword remained sheathed and at rest on the ground next to his own feet.

To that, Ashuras reacted in some astonishment. “What is the meaning of this? I demand that you draw your sword!”

“I have no need of it when dealing with the likes of you!” Nathan replied blandly.

Indeed, Nathan had seldom called upon his sword, and only wielded Snowsphere once in a while.

Named “The Unsullied”, this sword of his was actually the commander's sword bestowed upon the army's Chief Military Governor. Forged exquisitely by craftsmen, it was a symbol of decorum and prestige.

To date, Nathan had yet to encounter an adversary who was worthy of employing this sword against, and that included the puck from Xyperia!

Besides, he had no plans to exterminate all the representatives of the nine countries as he still needed these fellas as his hostages to facilitate their withdrawal from Volk.

That was a fact that Ashuras could not have been aware of. For one who was so versed in the use of the scimitar, Nathan's refusal to meet him with his blade in combat came across to him as a slight. A grievous insult.

Incensed, he thundered, “Since you have a death wish, I'd be glad to oblige!”

With that, he dropped into his berserker stance with his scimitar in hand. He then lunged at Nathan with a whirling tempest trailing in his wake.

As befitting of the newly minted God of War of Xyperia, his abilities were clearly a cut above the rest of those fighters, and quick as lightning, the majestic scimitar cleaved through the air toward Nathan like a hurricane.

With a measured and timely backstep, Nathan skillfully evaded the glowing edge of Ashuras' blade.

Wave after waves of assault from Ashuras’ scimitar poured forth thick and fast like a flash flood, and with each swing, they only grew fiercer than that which preceded.

Fleeting as wind and lightning and akin to souls and spirits, Nathan weaved in and out of Ashuras' surging assault.

Even though Ashuras came unrelentingly at the former like a tsunami, he was yet able to clip even one corner of Nathan's clothes.

“Quit squirming and face me like a man, if you dare,” howled Ashuras in a mixture of surprise and outrage.

“Very well!” Nathan assented and he, indeed, went on to cease his evasive tactics and properly engage Ashuras.



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