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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297 

Lizetta snagged Remington’s angiography films and made a beeline for the inpatient building

When the elevator doors slid open, she bumped smackdab into someone

Instinctively clamping a hand over her belly, Lizetta murmured, “Oops, sorry.” 

My bad.” 

To her surprise, the other person piped up at the same time

Lifting her gaze, Lizetta saw she’d accidentally collided with a pregnant woman

The lady, clearly showing, cradled her belly just like Lizetta had

Their mirrored gestures sparked an instant connection and they both chuckled knowingly

Hey, you’ve got a bun in the oven too, huh?the woman broke the ice with a friendly grin

Lizetta nodded, Just over three months here, not showing yet. You look like you’re what, five or six months along?” 

Not even five months yet.” 

Lizetta’s mouth dropped open in surprise as she eyed the other’s belly, which was already ballooning like a watermelon, and her expression flickered with worry

Her own baby was still a tiny sprout

Amused by Lizetta’s look, the chatty woman said, Honey, I can tell it’s your first rodeo. Don’t worry, once 

like nobody’s business it changes by the day, like 

you’re past this first trimester, that belly’s gonna po

blowing up a balloon.” 

Lizetta nodded, bewildered yet excited, as she gently touched her own tummy

Really? Thanks for the heads up.” 

Pff, it’s nothing. Gotta dash to work now,” the woman waved and took off

Lizetta turned to bid farewell but her smile froze as she caught sight of Evelina and April standing a few 

steps away

April was propping up Evelina, who, despite wearing loose hospital garb, had a small bump of her own. Pregnancy hadn’t softened Evelina’s demeanor, her eyes were locked onto Lizetta’s midsection with a serpentine intensity

Lizetta frowned and instinctively shielded her belly with crossed arms

Liz, you’re pregnant? That’s awesome news, congratulations!” 

In a flash, Evelina’s face lit up with a feigned joy as if she was genuinely thrilled for Lizetta

Seeing her, Lizetta’s good mood evaporated

Wanting to avoid entanglement with Evelina, she coolly looked away and stepped into the elevator

But lo and behold, April and Evelina followed suit


Chapter 297 

Lizetta’s brows knitted as she edged away, keen on keeping her distance

Evelina wouldn’t let it go, though. She asked with a smile, Liz, still not showing, huh? Looks like my baby’s gonna be the elder brother here.” 


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