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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 

Lizetta was blissfully unaware that the man lying in the hospital bed had turned as cold as ice

Remington’s gaze shifted from the joyous figure of the woman to the closed eyelids of his own contemplation 

Memories began to flood his mind 

Ever since Lizetta arrived at the Dashiell household, she had been sensible and well behaved, but her interactions with Lucian were 


From a young age, she refused to call him in a formal way

As kids, they’d occasionally tussle and bicker, acting like the best of frenemies

In Lucian’s presence, Lizetta was her true, lively self, a stark contrast to the overly polite girl she was around Remington 

Her first time getting drunk was with Lucian, and she even called out his name in her sleep afterward

Her first allnighter was spent at the beach with Lucian, watching the stars

For Lizetta’s college graduation, Remington, despite being severely injured abroad, rushed back to celebrate with her. 

In the campus grounds. Lucian lifted her in her graduation gown, refusing to let her down, balancing her on his shoulder

She playfully tugged at Lucian’s hair, halfannoyed, halfamused

1 like you, okay? Happy now, Lucian? You’re such a pest!” 

Lucian responded by spinning her around, her laughter mingling with his under the sundrenched trees

And then 

The diary hidden in Remington’s office drawer, filled with youthful musings amusingly, he wasn’t its main subject. 

Yet, he masochistically memorized every page

Remington clenched his fists. If it weren’t for that night four years ago, perhaps they would’ve been together by now

Remi, are you asleep?Lizetta’s voice suddenly broke the silence, jolting Remi awake

For a moment, Lizetta thought she saw a flash of deep emotion in his eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared

What’s up?” 


Lizetta had been thinking about Lucian’s plans to start a racing tmck, which naturally led her to think about her own plans to study 


She realized she hadn’t discussed this with Remington yet and was eager to bring it up

It’s about my study abroad plans. I don’t want to give up on them. With Donies busy touring the world and unable to teach, and being born soon, it’s the perfect timing for me to start classes next year.” 

Remi frowned slightly. Joy is going to need her mother. Maybe we should reconsider your study abroad plans in a few years.” 

If she went abroad, they’d be forced to spend even less time together

The last time they were apart, he missed crucial moments of her youth, allowing Lucian to take up space in her heart

setbacks. Now, with their marriage finally on the mend and a baby on the way, Remington didn’t want to risk any 



He knew she loved to dance, and there were plenty of opportunities right here in her homeland, with top dance companies willing to take her in she had to do was say the word, and he’d make it happen

In three or four years, once their relationship was more stable and their child a bit older, if she still wanted to study abroad, he wouldn’t object 

She was only twentytwo, with a long dance career ahead of her. Remington felt there was no need to rush

Especially so soon after giving birth, her body needed time to recover, and diving back into intense dance rehearsals for eight or nine hours a day was out of the question

But Lizetta was stunned. How could she possibly wait a few more years


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