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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption ( Lizetta ) novel Chapter 340

Chapter 340 

Lizetta had always thought Quentin was an only child. For years, no one mentioned anything about Quenti 

Il Quentin had a sister, where had Stelle been all these years

Quentin an only child? Far from it. He has a sister, Stella. And you know, Stella and Remington the same day, in the same hospital

1 sister 

were meant to be. They 

hey were born on 

Back then, the Wests and the Dashiells were equally influential. Barbara and your motherinlaw, Hanna, were like sisters. They even promised Remington and Stella to each other when they were just babies.” 

Lizetta’s nails dug deeper into her palms

Promised to each other as babies, huh

Bom on the same day sounds incredibly romantic

Remington never celebrates his birthday because of Stella?Lizetta asked, her voice dry

Remington never celebrated his birthday. Even his eighteenth, which was supposed to be a big deal, was celebrated a day early

His actual binhday always passed in silence in the Dashiell household

That’s why, seeing Remington having a candlelit dinner with Evelina on his birthday made Lizetta think they were an item

She remembered making Remington a birthday cake on his twentieth. She was so excited, lighting the candles and sneaking into his room at midnight

She wanted to surprise him, but he wasn’t pleased at all

He looked at her as if the cake was poisoned, telling her to take it away and not to bother with such meaningless gestures again. After that, Lizetta would just prepare a thoughtful gift and, like everyone else, give it to him the day before his actual birthday

She used to think Remington just didn’t like the fuss or cake

But the heir to the Dashiell fortune, even if he disliked such things, would still partake in the celebration unless there was a reason. Of course, it’s because of Stella. They weren’t just promised to each other, they grew up together From the age of one to twelve, they celebrated every birthday together” 

Evelina seemed to delight in Lizetta’s distress, her smile 

filled with satisfaction

Lizetta must be heartbroken

Evelina could hardly bear to watch 

What happened then? Where did Stella go?” 


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