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Stalked by the mafia boss novel Chapter 3

"It's perfect." She said looking around the room, it was a studio apartment bigger than she expected, a little on the high side but she loved it, especially the fact that it was situated in a sky rise building and she loved the views from the tall glass walls.

"So korina, are you taking this one?" Daniella asked impatiently, she had heard these words 'it's perfect' for every apartment they checked over the weeks and korina never picked anyone.-

"Yes,I am." She nodded in affirmative and turned to the landlord, "How do you want it, E-money or cash?"

Korina watched Daniella hand over the card to the cashier and looked at all the multiple shopping bags wondering who was going to carry them for her cause she sure ain't touching shit.

"Is that all ma'am?" The cute asian lady behind the counter asked.

"Errm, I think...I would ta...?" Korina hit Daniella cutting her sentence short, "That would be all."She nearly growled facing the cashier, she was never going shopping with Daniella ever again.

Her feet ached, her hands were sore from holding out various outfits and she was sure her mouth would get sore too after various comments like

"it fits",

"it's perfect",

"black suits you better",

" no,take the other one"

Never again, she sighed.

Looking at the bags was a perfect example of when your man says 'treat yourself baby, buy it all' and she was certain Daniella over did it.

"K babe, could you please help me with the bags?"

"No, fucking no."


"Nope, you bought your shit you carry it yourself, I warned you, the only thing I am taking out of here is my purse and this chocolate bar, bitch bye see you at the car." Korina said and walked out if the mall.

"I am never gonna forget this day, this day I asked you to help me and you refused, on this day you left me to face my troubles all on my own and here I was thinking I had a supportive cousin and a best friend."Daniella said as she got into the car.

She finally reached the car after nearly over 15 minutes, Korina didn't know how she managed to carry all her stuff but earlier on, she spotted Daniella talking to a man outside the mall, maybe he assisted her.

"Yea, yeah, whatever, start the car let's go already." Korina rolled her eyes at Daniella, always such a drama queen.

It wasn't long before they got home, it was already late and the sky had begun to darken.

"You cooking tonight?" Korina asked.

"Nope, too tired I will just order pizza."

After binging on pizza and movies both of them sat to talk.

"So what's next? now that you have gotten an apartment."

"Moving in??" Korina answered quizically.

"I mean, are you gonna buy a car or get a job or start getting furniture or something."

"Definitely not a car, I will find a job can't live off my savings forever and I will start buying furniture in preparation to move in."

Daniella just nodded.

Chapter 3 1

Chapter 3 2


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