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Stalked by the mafia boss novel Chapter 7

His jet black hair wasn't sleeked backwards this time, unlike the day she first met him, it was more ruffled and neatly unruly, maybe he rubbed his palms through it, She thought.

Her eyes raked over his features, studying his oval face, blue eyes, a pointed nose and tanned skin. He had a real sharp jawline, she imagined it cutting through glass. She looked over him and guessed maybe he was about 6"1.

No, don't get attracted, no men, no men, She scolded herself.

"Korina!" She snapped back to reality at the mention of her name.

"Yes." She replied looking at him squarely.

"I asked how you were feeling now." He said, "Repeatedly."

"A lot better i think, just that my head bangs and I am a bit sore all over."She replied and looked around the room only then did she notice that aunt Dido and Daniella had excused them minutes ago.

" lie straight back." He said dropping his clipboard and pen, "I want to examine you."

Korina complied feeling a little nervous.

"So from bumping into you at an airport to meeting you in an hospital." He said smiling.

To a table in a restaurant, She smiled inwardly, no...no...no men.

"Pretty nice right?" He asked as he palpated her abdomen.

"Well you could say nice if I wasn't injured." She threw a light laugh and immediately winced in pain as he got to the wounded area, "It hurts there."

"After giving you prescriptions and you follow your medications strictly, you would be fine in no time." He said as he scribbled his observations on the clip board.

"So how come you got shot?"

"Look Dr Cole." She began,"It was my 21st birthday and we went to a club to have a nice time and my cake got stolen."She huffed.

"I am actua..." He tried saying but Korina stopped him, "I am not finished yet."She said.

"So, after looking for the cake with no success, I was told to forget it and party hard. Later on I saw someone eating a piece of cake, I knew it was my cake and didn't waste time in jumping on her and punching her."

"A little violent, yeah?" He laughed.

"Anyways the fight resulted into us getting thrown out, we got on our feet and headed home." She sighed,"and the next thing we heard was a loud bang and I saw black before finding myself in the hospital.

"You said you were looking for your cake? who the hell takes a cake to the club?" He asked.

"Oh please don't sass me." She retorted.

"Well happy birthday miss Korina."

"Awwwn, thank you." She smiled, a flirty smile.

"We are lucky the bullet didn't go too deep, if it had, it would have been disastrous."

"Thank God." She breathed.

"I would send your prescription to the pharmacy, please make sure you take your drugs, follow the medication and dosage well, in no time you'd be back on your feet."

"Okay doc." She said, "But I hate tablets, is there a way they could be substituted with injections and drips?"

"No dear." He laughed," you will be discharged soonest tomorrow, take care."He said turning to leave.

Korina muttered a bye and eyed his back as he made his way out.

"Korina." She looked up to see he had turned around. "Can I g....Never mind." He said never finishing his sentence and quickly exited the room.

"You snitch!" Daniella exclaimed as soon as she entered the room, "you never told me you met a hottie at the airport, you Little snitch."She smirked.

Korina rolled her eyes and sighed,"were you eavesdropping again? and where is aunt?"

"Of course I was, you know me and my mom already left for work, some emergency or something."

"Dan, why did you eavesdrop?"

"Did you tell him you were single and searching?"

"Why the fuck would I tell him that?"

Chapter 7 1


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