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Stalked by the mafia boss novel Chapter 5

"Nothing, absolutely nothing is changing my mind this time." Korina huffed in frustration as she looked at the now halved black comb in her hand.

It broke while she was trying to comb her hair.

"Nah, I don't think dreads would fit you."Daniella said.

She stood up from the bed and pulled some part of korina's hair playfully.

" ooouuch."She slapped her hand away and gave her a threatening look.

"I am honestly tired of my hair, it's hard to comb, hard to detangle, always breaking combs! It's frustrating, ugggh!" She complained further.

"Try combing it again!" Daniella suggested, "But with this, this time."She said handing Korina another comb.

Korina took the comb and began combing.

"You see it works!" Daniella said in excitement as she saw Korina combing effortlessly.


"Oh God!!!!"Korina screamed and looked at her palms, this was the fourth comb breaking today.

"That's it." She stood up, "To the saloon."

The hairdresser finished up and turned korina to face the big rectangular mirror.

"Wow, I look amazing." Korina said gazing into the mirror as she felt her hair with her fingertips.

"I know right! I told you dyeing blonde would make it look gorgeous."He stated as he rubbed his palms over her hair appreciating his master piece.

"Damn girl!Your hair has got me wowed." Daniella said from behind.

She had been outside the saloon, she advanced towards them and stared at the back length blonde dreads.

"Told you dreads would look good on me." Korina said.

"Guess this new look isn't so bad for your upcoming 21st birthday, I am so excited!" Daniella said with so much enthusiasm and was a little too loud, most of the people at the shop stared at them.

Daniella rolled her eyes and faced Korina.

"Let's get out of here, I am starving."

It wasn't the darkness or silence dominating the apartment that sent shivers down Korina's spine. It was the fact she felt that she was certain someone was watching her this time.

Since she began receiving all the mysterious, creepy, sweet messages, she concluded she was being stalked.

Private number -happy birthday my love, you are so perfect, so beautiful,

Perfectly made for me.

I hope you love the gifts I got you, as I am sure you have loved others.

Till we meet, bye.

Korina stared at the message and swallowed hard, earlier she had made sure all her doors, windows and possible break-ins were well secured.

She stared at the text again, it was a private number, inaccessible and untraceable.

Just great! Her first birthday message was from a stalker.

She had wanted her 21st birthday to be wonderful and pleasant not creepy and strange.

She lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling, the only noise that could be heard was the ticking of the clock.

Nothing is gonna happen, today is gonna be great, She ignored the unsettling feeling in her stomach and the heavy doubt on her mind.

Nothing could go wrong, she assured her conscience and forced herself to sleep.

Korina was very close to flinging the table lamp at Daniella.

She watched her in irritation as she squealed and gushed over the extravagant and outrageous gifts sent by Mr stalker.

"How the fuck did you even become my cousin?" She asked resisting the urge to smack her.

"By adoption, duhhh!"Daniella rolled her eyes,"Waoooh girl, look at these shoes, how did he know your size? so cute."She said.

"Are you insane? This person has been stalking me, sending gifts and weird lovey dovey text.Yet, here you are acting like it's my boyfriend that got me stuff."

Chapter 5 1


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