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Substitute for The Alpha King novel Chapter 9

The glee on her face couldn't be contained as she took out her mobile phone and was about to give her father a call when her step mother, Patricia called up she phone.


"You cheap whore!" Patricia's voice echoed through the phone. She was noot sure what was happening as she pushed the phone out of her ear for a moment as she doesn't get deaf from all her Screaming. She heard Jessica's voice from the background but wasn't fazed. That was expected sivde those two were always together.

"What are you talking about?"

"I knew you were no different from your mother, but what I never expected is that you were worse than her, you tramp! How dare you! Do you think you are powerful because you whore yourself to men, you are nothing but a tramp, they will use you and render you penniless because that's your worth"

"What is going on?" She could not fathom anything at all. They made no sense.

"You are a slut, Hannah!" Jessica yelled, she could only imagine her pacing around, her eyes blazed with anger.

"You think you are a seductress who flirts with men just like your mother's, I wonder what kind of moron will even want to waste his time with some one as cheap as you are. You and your mother are the reason why women are being looked down on, if only cheap things you could keep your legs closed then your father wouldn't have been threatened"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play, I don't know what game you are playing at right now, little Ms. pretentious, I can see right through you, I know you called your father and threatened him for money, you think that by having them take away his project you will get even and save your wretched mother's life, why didn't you ask your lover G for money Instead"

Hannah scoffed, if she doesn't know Patricia and Jessica better would have assumed that they were on one of those pills, but this was a small town and those kinds of pills were hard to come by. She could tell they weren't on anything so who were they talking about?

She had no clue who this G was, he wasn't someone that she knows, not even her friends since she really doesn't have any friend around.

"What are the both of you rambling about? I really have no idea what you two are talking about alright, if you want to need a new hobby then you can change but don't come ringing phone and talking gibberish"

"How dare you trying to act ignorant of the situation, I know who you are, I can see right through you very clearly, you pretentious little snake"

"What is it that you are seeing"

"You don't think that I know, that is why you came to the house, isn't it? And when I told you that father is not home, you became enraged, you think that I am not aware that you went away and told him everything, you told him that there was no dowry so that he can have the sunny villa project taken from Father. Do you think that it is a coincidence that you come running to the house for your money and then the same day, father has the project that he has been on for months taken away from him"

"Project?" She takes her hand through her hair, they sounded serious over the phone, yet what they said made no sense to her at all.

"G called your father and humiliated him for being someone who withholds his daughters dowry and lacks integrity in his business dealings, those were the same words the he said to him before he took away your father's dream, he ripped the project right before him and father could not do anything, you slut and it is all your fault"

Chapter 9: Jealous 1

Chapter 9: Jealous 2

Chapter 9: Jealous 3


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