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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 104

"Why not gift her some fancy jewelry? She's always dressed to the nines, all her dresses and bags are high-end brands. I bet she'd love something like that. I noticed she didn't have any accessories on her wrist today, so how about a custom bracelet?"

As Andre pondered, Alice chimed in, "She's not mad at you specifically, you know. Once she sees the gift, she'll know you're trying to make amends and let it slide."

Andre nodded, "You're coming with me to the party tonight."

"What about Noah?"

"Noah's taste is crap, better leave him at the office."

"Alright then."

By 'taste', Andre meant Noah's ability to pick a good bracelet.

After work, Alice and Andre made a beeline for the mall.

"Boss, I thought you'd ring the manager of some luxury brand to have the bracelet delivered to your office," Alice said.

"No, buying it personally shows more sincerity. If we wait for them to deliver, it might not get here till tomorrow."

Andre could already picture the earful he'd get from Mia once he was back home. Sometimes she'd call him 'uncle', other times 'Old Andre'. She always knows how to provoke him.

"I want to take look at that one," Andre pointed to a delicate gold bracelet in a brochure.

The manager immediately asked an employee to fetch it.

With Andre’s personal visit, senior staff welcomed him.

"Who's the lucky recipient, Mr. Cedillo?" the manager asked.

"My wife," Andre replied.

The manager was flabbergasted.

Once the bracelet was brought out, Andre examined the simple yet sparkling piece. The manager started explaining the design concept, the materials and techniques used, and the symbolism behind it.

Alice, a magazine junkie, quickly remembered a related article, "Boss, this bracelet is designed by the internationally renowned Alexander and it's pricey. I'm sure it'll suit Mia perfectly. Plus, it's handpicked by you, she'll definitely love it."

Andre was thoroughly pleased. He nodded, placed the bracelet back in its box, and handed over his bank card, "I’ll take it."

Gift in hand, Andre left the mall satisfied.

In the car, Alice commented, "You treat your wife really well, boss."

Andre was in high spirits, "She's a kid at heart. If you don't spoil her, she throws tantrums and turns the house upside down."

Meanwhile, Mia was secretly sneaking a popsicle from the fridge. Without cramps, she could eat anything again.

Mia, lounging in bed, called Hansen at the hospital to ask how he was doing.

"Dad, Andre has a dinner party tonight. We won't be able to visit you, but you should be able to come home tomorrow."

Hansen, enjoying his dinner, replied casually, "No need to come, I'm fine here. Bruce and Naomi are at the hospital, don’t worry about me."

Mia joked, "If you miss me, I can have the driver take me over."

"No, I don't miss you. Don't come, just stay home."

"Haha, alright dad."

Mia hung up the phone.

Hansen muttered to himself, "I wouldn't dare have her over. Even if I’m healthy, she could drive me to sickness. My blood pressure was through the roof last night."

By evening, Mia stepped out for dinner.

Being the only one in the Cedillo family, she declined all the fussy procedures.

"I've already washed my hands, you can take the basin away."

The maid left.

Someone offered to assist her with the meal, "I have hands and feet, you all can leave."

Soon, the dining hall was deserted.

Mia began to relish her meal.

Meanwhile, at Crescent Park.


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