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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 105

That comment was super easy to get twisted.

Aaron chuckled awkwardly and said, "The nicknames these kids come up these days are getting more and more unique."

After packing her school bag at home, Mia chucked it on the couch and crawled into bed to get some sleep.

With no one around, she tossed and turned on the bed a few times before finally closing her eyes.

Since he had classes the next day, Leo headed home too.

Around 10 PM, Leo was getting ready to hit the hay after cleaning up, when his phone buzzed. It was a call from Andre.

"Leo, are you at home or still at the hospital?"

"I'm home."

Andre responded, "If you're not busy, come and pick me up at Crescent Park. I've had a few drinks and can't drive."

Leo was surprised. He wasn't even out of school yet and his uncle never let him meet the partners of Cedillo Inc.

This was the first time he'd been asked to pick him up. If he went, everyone would probably know who he was. "Uncle, are you sure you want me to go?"

"Just come over, I'm in room 503."

Andre hung up and Leo was left holding his phone, wondering what his uncle had meant.

He walked out, got in his car and drove away from Cedillo Mansion, heading towards the bustling city center and eventually stopping outside Crescent Park.

He usually had a driver for these outings, but this time Noah wasn't around, and Alice was a woman. So, he had his nephew come instead, giving Leo a chance to show his face in front of the Cedillo family's business partners.

"Knock, knock, knock", someone said at the door.

"Come in," said Andre.

As Leo stepped in, he saw at least a dozen people in the room, all of them turning to look at him.

"I'm here."

Andre nodded and motioned Leo over with a wave of his hand.

Leo glanced again at the businessmen in the room and walked over to Andre, "Hello, uncle Aaron."

He was already used to calling Aaron uncle.

Aaron nodded, "Leo's here."

Andre rose to introduce him, "This is my nephew, Leo."

"So, this is Mr. Leo. He does bear a resemblance to Mr. Cedillo."

"How old is Leo?"

"Mr. Cedillo, Leo seems to have quite the aura."

The surrounding compliments made Andre smile and Leo thanked him politely.

"It's getting late, everyone should head home. Any later and the missus' at home will lock us out."

With that, everyone realized it was time to leave.

Andre patted Leo on the back and led him and Aaron out first.

"Dad, let Leo take you home. You've been drinking and the driver isn't here."

Aaron didn't argue and got in his daughter-in-law's car.

Leo closed the car door and drove away from Crescent Park.

Once they left, the people behind were left with thoughts of their own, wondering why Andre had suddenly brought Leo out, and where Leo studied, and how old he was.

In the car, Leo asked, "Uncle, you never let me meet our business partners before, why did you let me handle this today?" He was puzzled because this task could have been done by the driver, but Andre insisted that he came along.

Andre explained his thoughts, "You're a college student now, you should start getting involved in the family business. Today is just the beginning. You'll also need to attend social events with me during the holidays, get some experience."

Aaron nodded in agreement, "Starting early is always good. Leo, learn from Andre. Even if you only learn half of what he knows, you'll stand out in this industry."

Leo didn't respond, focusing on his driving.


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