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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 190

This was the report they got from the people who were previously sent to tail Jade and investigate her identity. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but Andre's crew happened to witness the whole thing. They were about to step in and protect Mia, only to realize their presence would only stir up more trouble.

Because Mia, that sweet and young girl, had already knocked down 8 guys and was now sitting on the side, taking a break. As for Jade, she saw the guys on the ground were too spent to fight back. She walked over and gave each one a good kick as payback for messing with Leo.

The ambulance arrived and carted off everyone who needed medical attention. Mia and Jade decided to take Leo to the hospital to get checked out, just in case he got hurt during the fight and didn't know it.

On the way to the hospital, Mia's driving skills came in handy as she whisked Leo off to get treated. There was a girl who kept following the three of them.

Jade didn't mince words with the strange girl, "If I find out that Leo got hurt because of you, I won't let you off the hook!"

The girl was so scared by Jade, and she didn't dare to move forward.

At the hospital, Mia parked the car, Jade went to register, and then the three of them went to the doctor's office together.

When Andre arrived at the hospital, he saw the three of them walking side by side to get checked out, and he also saw the wounds on Leo's face.

"Andre, there were too many of them. I couldn't take them. Mia had to step in," Leo admitted.

Andre walked over, looking at Leo's injuries, then turned to his wife, "Did you get hurt?"

Mia shook her head.

Just then, Chad showed up.

"Chad." When Jade saw Chad, she ran over to him.

Chad checked if she was hurt. "I'm fine. Mia did the fighting, Leo got hurt."

Chad nodded, then turned to the man who had just arrived, "Mr. Cedillo, you take Mia and Leo to get checked out first. Jade and I will do some investigating."

With that, he left with his sister.

At this point, Andre had no mind to worry about Jade, he took his wife and Leo to get checked out.

After all the commotion, it was already afternoon and even the healthy Mia was pushed in for a check-up.

Those guys finally came around. Later, Chad learned that these guys were loan sharks. The girl had borrowed $5,000 from them and two months later, the interest had added another $5,000, making it a total of $10,000. They had asked for the money several times, but the girl wouldn't pay, so they had to find her at school.

As luck would have it, Leo was at the grocery store buying water at that time. The girl saw the danger and approached Leo, crying and begging for help, saying that someone was trying to kidnap her.

Leo was confused, so he stepped out.

Just then, those guys walked up, "Are you her boyfriend?"

"Who are you guys?"

The girl clung to Leo, afraid that he would leave her.

Leo tried to leave, but they blocked his way.

"We need to have a chat. Take them." The leader took Leo and the girl to an unmonitored alley.

"Pay up, $10,000, or we'll leak your girlfriend's nude photos."

Leo frowned; he didn't even know this girl. "Are you guys loan sharks?"

"Loan shark sounds too harsh. We are just her creditors."

The girl cried and said, "I only borrowed $5,000 to cover my grandfather's medical expenses. I didn't borrow $10,000."

Leo turned to her and said, "Call the police. Let them handle it."


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