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Sweet Mischief's Rollercoaster Romance novel Chapter 576

Molly blinked in disbelief, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "So the only reason you married me was to sleep with me?"


Usually thick-skinned, Molly found herself outmatched by Chad, of all people. How did he manage to outdo her in audacity?

"Oh, please! Dream on, buddy," Molly retorted, her cheeks flushing a telltale crimson. Lately, she didn't know what was up with her. Every time she faced Chad, her verbal sparring took a nosedive, as if she'd met her match.

After their spat, Molly, unashamed, asked, "So, Chad, when do you get off work?"


"Well, it's almost Christmas, and I haven't gotten a new dress yet," she hinted.

Chad flushed with embarrassment. "Didn't you just...?"

Catching the disapproving glare from Molly's sparkling eyes, he quickly corrected himself. "I'm off at six, just wait for me on the couch."

Just the other day, Molly had splurged on new clothes, and here she was, craving a Christmas outfit already.

The enigma of a woman's desire to shop was something Chad still found baffling.

Come afternoon, Chad took Molly's hand as they left the station.

Behind them, Donnie started his teasing, "There she goes, there she goes, off with the captain's credit card."

Old Cody chuckled. "Donnie, give up the badge, man. The local comedy club is hiring. You've got talent; maybe it's time for a career switch."

Donnie packed up his desk, ready to call it a day, and joked, "If I switch, my old man would kill me."

Chad thought Molly would go for another dress or the latest designer bag, but at the mall, she dragged him straight to the men's section.

He looked at her in surprise. "Who's this for?"

"For the dog."

Molly's waist got another playful slap from Chad as he teased, "Say that again!"

Reluctantly, she muttered, "For Chad."

Chad was thrilled. All his affection for Molly wasn't wasted.

Even though he was the one footing the bill, he was charmed by her all the same.

Before, it had always been Chad lounging on a couch while she tried on a variety of dresses. This time, the roles reversed. Now she watched him try on clothes, giving approving nods or decisive headshakes.

Fortunately, since Molly had once shopped with her friend Coleen for Chad's clothes, she didn't struggle too much with men's fashion.

Thanks to her keen eye, a nearby salesperson complimented them. "Are you siblings? You two are so close."

Since the salesperson had heard Molly switch between calling him "Chad" and "bro," she naturally assumed they were brother and sister.

Chad clarified while paying, "We're getting married next March."

"Oh, fiancés! Congratulations!"

Chad's impression of the store got even better.

After the identity shift, Chad took a day to announce his upcoming marriage to Molly to everyone in their usual hangouts.

"Officer Chad, aren't you siblings?" everyone gasped in shock.

Chad clarified, "My last name's Sullivan, hers is Jiang. We were like siblings before, but we'll be spouses soon."

Molly had no clue that in the time it took to try on a few outfits, her wedding date had become common knowledge.

Later, claiming fatigue from shopping, Molly persuaded Chad to take her to a new restaurant in town.

Two thousand for clothes, three thousand for dinner.


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