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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 451

“Well, I am going to call Joe and ask for a meeting.”

The room erupted in fucking chaos. “The fuck do you mean?” Ice shouted the loudest.

“No, man!”

“Stop!” Holding up my hand, they all quieted down. Only after they were quiet did I start talk again. “One of the laws mafia men live by is meetings are to respected. They don’t miss meetings and it is considered neutral. Obviously, I will be taking men but this is to just meet and have a conversation.”

“About what?” Ice asked. Looking at her. Alec was holding her against him like she was going to come at me and hit me.

“Mafia families don’t push themselves into other’s fights. This isn’t his fight. It’s Vin’s. One that Vin started without any push from us. It will allow me to gauge his feeling and see if he is a player in this. At the end of the meeting, I will know if we are declaring war or if my focus is still only Vin. We will both lay out our intentions and go from there.”

Jasper stood up and started pacing. “You are putting a lot of faith in a mafia boss.”

“Who operates based off respect. If we show respect, we should recieve it.”

It was Jacob’s turn. “It could go 100 ways wrong.”

“I’m aware but what choice do I have? My mate and three unborn children’s lives are at stake. If they get their hands on them, they will be shipped off to Italy and I’ll never see them again.”

Everyone was quiet as they let the gravity of the situation consume them. Ice finally sat down on Alec’s lap and Jasper followed not long after. “Ice, you need to be under protection. Their focus might be Penny but your blood is still incredibly strong. If given the opportunity, they will take you too.”

Ice had this far away look to her. “Okay.” She finally said to no one in particular.

“I think we all need to turn in for the evening and gather our thoughts and figure out the best way to address this. I’ll call Joe in the morning after I do some research tonight.”

“Sounds good.” Jasper stood up after a moment and took Emmy by the hand.

Going back to my desk, I sat down and unlocked the office. “Colt?” Ice’s voice drew my eyes up. She was looking at me with an emotion in her eyes that I barely ever saw.

“I’m okay, sis. Just like we did before, we will figure this out.” I tried to reassure her that I was still mentally able to function. It was a complete lie but I wasn’t about to allow a pregnant woman, let alone my sister, get emotional about my emotional state.

“You’re not okay but all my attention and focus will be on this.”

Smiling at her, I tried to give her my best humorous face. “We already won.”

The look on her face told me she didn’t buy it but she didn’t argue. Instead, Alec pushed her out the door. After he made eye contact with me and nodded, he followed her out too. Jasper and Emmy were next but Jacob stayed sitting on the chair.

“What are we thinking?” Jacob asked.

“Well, I am trying to figure out the safest place for her to be. Honestly, I have an idea but it’s a crazy one.” Pulling up to my computer, I went to G****e to figure out about mafia etiquette.

“Where is that?”


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