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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 452

“There was a different reason Darin wanted Ice. He has made a potion of sorts that will transform humans into werewolves. They lose their human counterpart and are only werewolves. Loyal to their maker, they are just as strong and aggressive. In order to make the potion, they need blood. The stronger the blood, the stronger the potion. The stronger the potion is, the better chance the human has at surviving it. Female blood is strong than male blood and alpha female blood is the strongest.”

Pausing, I waited to see if Penny would connect the dots so I didn’t have to do it for her. “That makes sense… I guess. In a twisted way but I can understand that. Kristen does have strong blood. She is your twin and you are an alpha.”

“Yes but they reason they want you is because you are not a partial alpha. You are a true female alpha.”

“He wants my blood.” Penny seemed to take it better than I thought.

“Yeah. He wants to take our kids and raise them. He will use them and you for a constant blood bank for these potions.”

Penny was quiet for a while. Her facial expressions made it hard to predict exactly what she was thinking. Even through the mate bond, it was hard to figure her out. Still, I waited patiently for her to figure it out.

“Well…” Penny finally said. “…it honestly wasn’t as bad as I was thinking.”

“Not as bad as you were thinking? What exactly where you thinking?”

“They wanted to harvest my organs or something.” Penny shrugged. “Still, getting kidnapped doesn’t sound like something I want to be part of.”

Feeling slight proud of how well she handled that, I couldn’t help but smiling at her. “Jacob is going to build you a safe room undergrown. However, that wasn’t all of it.”

Penny looked both surprised and weary. “What else is there?”

“Vin has a mafia connection. Apparently, Sir Joe Gambino is his uncle. He is currently here.”

“Thhhhhhat is not good.” Penny agreed with a slow nod. “What are you going to do about that?”

Leaving forward, I put both arms on my desk. “I am going to call him and ask for a meeting.”

Penny’s eyes widdened. “What?”

“If what I read is correct, respect and meetings are something you don’t fuck with.”

“What? You did an internet search and now your an expert on mafia ways of life?” Penny narrowed her eyes and was judging me hard.

“I know it’s not idea but it’s worth a try.”

“Call him.” Penny folded her arms over her chest and looked at me like she was daring me to do it. Almost like she didn’t think I would.

“It’s late.” I said looking at the time.

“He is a mafia boss from Italy. He is awake. Call him.”


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