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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 454

“Well, then you can figure it out.”

“I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you $250,000 for that information and I’ll give you the rest after I get Kara out. That sure encourage you to figure something out that doesn’t involve me pissing off another person. Let me kill Vin first.”

Hanging up before he could reply, I got up and headed to Penny. My phone dinged before I got there.

Alec: Just sent them

Opening the door, I sent a reply to Alec: Found Kara. Let you know tomorrow.

As soon as I hit send, I put my phone in my pocket and looked up. Penny was already asleep on the couch. The movie was still running the opening credits but she was out. Going to the closet, I got myself ready for bed. Then I folded down the bedsheets, turned the T.V off and picked Penny up. She stayed asleep as I put her under the covers and curled around her. With my hand on our children, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, only coldness touched my skin. Not wanting to be awake yet, I tried to reach for Penny but she wasn’t there. Cold sheets greeted my hand as I felt for her. “Penny?” I asked out loud. Rising my head up, I looked through one eye into the room.

Penny was sitting on the couch. When I said her name, she looked up and smiled at me. “I’m sorry I fell asleep last night. I got uncomfortable. Turns out, I do need that pregnancy pillow.”

Pulling myself from the comfortable bed, I got up and moved to the couch. “I can have someone get the pillow for you today but I would like you to stay here as much has possible.”

“I understand. You won’t hear an argument from me. I was able to finish all the stuff for the Halloween party. Plus, each program I have installed have really thrived. So far, we only have little issues but nothing that we didn’t anticipate.”

“That’s great to hear.” I was so proud of her for all she has accomplished.

“When do you need to leave? I have already requested your suit be pressed. It should be here in about an hour.” Penny went back to tying on her computer.

“You are honestly the most amazing person on this planet.” Leaning over and kissing her forehead, I needed to shower and get ready. It’s been awhile before I trimmed my beard and it was getting rather long. Usually, I go for the shadow look so having something I can run my fingers through was a little much.

There was something refreshing about being freshly showered, shaved and styling my hair that made me fell like my life was put together. “Colt?”

Penny opened the door and looked at me. I was standing in front of the mirror as I finished my hair.

“What’s up?”

“Your suit is here and so is Alec but I think you should save your suit till you get there. You have a long car ride ahead of you.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” I said as I finished doing my hair.

Penny turned and walked back to the couch. Following her, I saw Alec and Jasper standing in my room.

“Boys ready?”


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