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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 453

Hanging up the phone, Penny just stared at me like I was a ghost. “Welp, I guess I have to leave again tomorrow.”

“Where did you get his number?”

“Long story.” I said as I dialed Alec’s number.

It ran twice before he answered. “What’s up?”

“We have a meeting with Joe.”

There was a small pause. “Do what?”

“Penny suggested I go ahead and call him so I did. He agreed to meet with me tomorrow at 5pm at the Mountain Spring Casino. Jacob, Jasper and you and me are all going in. Jacob and Jasper can stand guard at the door. You and I will meet with him. I have requested Vin to not be there so I didn’t kill him. Otherwise, he agreed no blood will be spilled.”

“Well, shit.” Alec said.

“How can you trust him?” I heard Ice ask.

“I don’t think it is a trust but a mutual agreement to no kill each other. So, we can have a conversation like gentlemen.”

“Does that mean I have to wear a suit?” Alec groaned.

“Yeah, sure does. We are representing werewolves. If it goes our way, we can form some sort of agreement with the biggest mafia boss.”

“If it goes bad?” Ice asked.

“Then we are declaring war against Vin and his mafia uncle.” There really isn’t another way around this.

“I don’t like this, Colt. So many things can go wrong.” Ice sounded really worried. Although I understood her concern, it also annoyed me. We did everything in order to keep her safe. Now, it’s Penny’s turn.

“I’m not about to let Penny become a blood bank, Kristen. If I have to meet with Joe by myself I will.”

“That isn’t what I meant and you know that.”

“Okay!” Alec chimed in quickly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Click! Alec hung up the phone.

“She doesn’t want Alec to go?” Penny asked.

I half forgot she was in the room with the way Ice was acting. “It’s not that. It will be dangerous and since we already have taken so many dangerous jobs, it’s taking a toll on her for him to be gone more.” I tried to reassure her that it had nothing to really do with her but the situation in general.

“I brought us a bag to stay the night here.” Penny said, quickly. She wanted to change the subject and I wasn’t complaining.

“That was very thoughtful of you. Are you ready to head to bed?”

Penny took a second but she finally stood up. “Can we watch a movie?”

“Of course.” Sighing, I looked at the computer. “Can you get it started and I will be right there?”

Penny gave me a small smile as she walked to the door. “Sure. Don’t take too long.”

“I promise.”

As soon as Penny shut the door, I went and started writing down a few notes. First would be Gunther and Kara. The fact they found the trackers was alarming. I haven’t felt Kara’s bond break. Since she was a pack member still, I would know when she died. Since that hasn’t happened, she is still alive somewhere. The question is where. However, if Vin did have them, they will be probably getting tortured.


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