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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 456

It was a statement, not a question. “An unbreakable alliance.” Nodding, I didn’t want there to be any weakness shown.

“Indeed.” He studied us a little more before speaking again. “Please have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“No, thank you. We don’t drink on the job.” A drink actually sounded good but if what I read was correct, they frown on mixing business with alcohol.

“You called for this meeting, what would you like to discuss?” Sir Joe pulled out a cigar. I waited for him to cut the tip, light it and blow out the first puff.

“Vin is your nephew and if he doesn’t accept the fact that my luna will not become his blood bank, I will not be so subtle in my attempts to kill him anymore. After his display in the last event, I have enough to declare war.” I was both direct and to the point. “I wanted to have a discussion with you in regards to your role in how this will play out.”

“You know, I like you. Straight forward, to the point and no bullshit. We need more men like you in this world.”

“I appreciate that acknowledgement.” I said simply.

“What is your role in this?” Sir Joe looked pointedly at Alec.

“Standing beside Colt and offering every ounce of power I have to keep Luna Penny safe.” Alec said firmly and without blinking.

“Can’t say I’m surprised. You don’t get that nickname for losing.” Sir Joe nodded as he kept sucking his cigar. “Honestly, I haven’t decided what my role will be. I must say, I am intrigued with the development Vin has made. You don’t want an army of completely loyal wolves?”

“Taking a human life for no other reason than to take things by force that don’t belong to you, isn’t something wolves will stand for. Vin has pissed off a lot of powerful men. The greedy ones will like this, other…they will not.”

“What if there was a compromise between you two?” Sir Joe tapped his cigar a few times and ashes tell on his perfectly stained oak desk.

“A compromise?” I didn’t like the sound of this.

“You can give him Luna Penny’s blood and in return, he leaves your packs alone.”

“That doesn’t eliminate the fact he will be killing humans to achieve power. That is a direct violation of our laws.”

“However, it would allow Vin to lay off Luna Penny and eliminate the danger she is currently in.” Sir Joe countered.

“She won’t be in any danger is Vin was dead, either.” I said, trying to contain my emotions.


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