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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 457

“Honor. I like that. Maybe if things were different, I would be interested in doing business with you.” Sir Joe picked up the gun and looked it over in his hands.

“If we don’t have our morals, what do we have?” It was physically painful to sit still and not try to defend Gunther. Waiting for Sir Joe to decide if he was going to kill Gunther was harder than I thought it would be.

“You are right but that doesn’t answer what I should do with him.”

“Like I ask, I am open to discissions but seeing how Gunther only betrayed Vin and not you personally, he should be given back to me to handle as I see fit.”

Sir Joe looked at me and narrowed his eyes. “I could just give him back to Vin.”

“If you were going to do that, he wouldn’t be kneeling in front of me…. with all due respect.”

Sir Joe took a couple puffs from his cigar and just stared at me. The room was so quiet that you could probably hear a mouse run across some carpet. The gun was still in his hand but just pointed at the ceiling.

“You see. I don’t like traitors.” In one motion, Sir Joe pointed the gun and fired it. Forcing my body to not flinch, I expected Gunther to fall on his face. Instead, the body guard behind him tell, grabbing his stomach. Every single man in the room, remained as still as statues.

“He betrayed you?” I asked, finally looking at the man. It was a gut shot and he would be dying slowly.

“He has been but I’ve been keeping him around to make my point. I don’t give second chances and like you said, Gunther hasn’t betrayed me. I will show you an extremely rare show of faith and release him back to you… alive. This will never happen again. However, if I see him again, I won’t hesitate to kill him.”

The guards dropped Gunther. With a little shove, Gunther fell forward. His nose broke his fall, making such a sickening sound that I wasn’t sure he will even have a nose after this. Thankfully, I didn’t have to ask Jasper or Jacob to get him. I watched as they took him in their hands and drug him to the back of the room.

“I greatly appreciate your mercy. He will be dealt with accordingly.” I said.

Sir Joe pushed his cigar against his desk as he sat up. “I have no doubt that will be true. Let’s get back to the topic at hand. Shall we?” The dying man started groaning in pain. Without even looking, Sir Joe turned the gun back to him and shot him between the eyes. “I can’t stand when grown men whine.”

“Indeed.” I agreed. It was annoying. Not sure it was shoot you between the eyes annoying but he wasn’t wrong.

“Where we come from, blood is thicker than water. One person’s problem is all of our problem.”


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