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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 459

“I might as well move my office in here.” Alec walked through my open office door. It was bright and early in the morning. I wanted to talk to Gunther and finish filling out the emails. Currently, I was writing a mass email, telling all of my allies what has been going on. I wasn’t sure we needed the support but I wanted to make a fucking statement. No one was going to touch my luna and the fuck if something thinks they had the ability to do so.

“You are here early.” I muttered without looking at him.

“I hadn’t expected you to be up actually. Figured you would be in bed all day.” There was a little hint of amusement in his voice. Last thing I was going to do was make a joke about him fucking my sister.

“Why are you here?”

Alec sat down on one of the arm chairs. “Your sister was worried and since I refused to let her come…so, here I am.”

I finished my email and hit send before I looked at Alec. “Why is she worried?”

“You are declaring war today.” He said simply.

“Would you do it differently?” I challenged.

“No but you have an unhealthy connection to your sister, who is pregnant.”

“I wouldn’t say being a twin in unhealthy.” Rolling my eyes at him, I got up and walked out of the office.

“I’m curious how the triplets will act when they are born.” Alec caught up to me.

“Probably about the same. Are you here to be helpful or annoying?”

“That was also a request from Kristen. Now I have did what she asked, I can get back to work. If she asked, I accomplished my task and she can’t get mad at me.”

It was all I could do to look at him and not roll my eyes for the second time this morning. “What happened to your balls?”

“They went down your sister’s throat last night.” Alec had a rare smile on his face as we approached the hospital. Gagging, I went to make a comment but Alec beat me. “That is the exact face she made.”

“Fuck off.” Punching him in the arm, I felt my stomach turn.

“Alpha? What can I do for you?” A nurse saw me and quickly ran up to me.

“A man was brought in last night. Where is he?” I was aware my tone was a little pissy but so was my mood.

“Umm.” The nurse looked around unsure before turning back to me and plastering on a fake smile. “I wasn’t here last night so let me ask the nurse who was and I’ll be right back.” Turning, she practically ran away from me before I could even respond.


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