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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 460

This week has been fucking hell. The information our team has gotten has been very limited. We will be leaving early tomorrow morning to get there early enough to watch any movement. The old man hasn’t answered me or even called me. So far, all we know is Kara is being sold and that is from someone that isn’t exactly reliable. Tomorrow is Friday and then after that, we have to jet back and be here for the stupid Halloween party. We won’t even be here to greet the alphas and lunas as they arrive.

“Are we clear on everyone’s responsibilities?” I asked.

“I’ll be staying home, greeting everyone and missing all the fun.” Jacob was bitter he wasn’t going. Jasper wasn’t going either but he was going to stay behind the scenes. He will be managing security and the newly installed system. Since this was a larger event for the packs, most of our warriors are staying here. The only ones going were Alec, myself and his five black ops.

His black op guys were sitting in my office, making sure we were on the same page since I couldn’t mind-link them. “We got new ear pieces in.” Alec passed out a very techy tiny little brown thing. No wires at all. Just the littlest piece of plastic that fit in our ears.

“I’m not expecting any issues. So far the cameras are working perfectly. The motion sensor is catching anything moving from a mile out. So far, we have dozens of foxes and the birds are really pissing off the guys.” Jasper filled us in.

“The chances of Vin striking now while Alec and I are gone are incredibly high. We need everyone on high alert.

“A few of our allies are coming in early and bring their warriors with them. I doubt the security will get any tighter than it will be.” Jacob sighed.

“It will be your head if it isn’t.” Pulling the map towards me, I just stared at it.

“With all due respect, Alpha Colt. We have been staring at that map for hours. We need to get a few hours of sleep before we leave in the morning.”

Sighing, I knew he was right. My eyes were starting to hurt, my back was protesting from being bent over and my legs were starting to get restless. The stress of all this was starting to take it’s toll on me.

“Alright. Let’s go to bed.” I said, finally conceding. The men all stood up but it took me until they all walked out that I finally stood up and walked out of my office.

My phone was in my pocket when it began to vibrate. I was so tired that I didn’t even look at who it was.

“Alpha Colt.” I said out of sheer habit.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” It was the old man. His voice stopped me in my tracks and I was instantly awake.

“Where the fuck have you been? For someone that wants money, you sure aren’t fucking acting like it.”


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