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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 461

“I got doughnuts!” One of the guys said from the back. We were taking a large cargo van in case something happens and we needed more room than just for Kara. Failure wasn’t an option but I wasn’t going to deny other girls help if the situation allowed for it.

“Fuck yeah!” Another guys said, way to fucking cheerful.

Alec got behind the wheel and we took off. The moon was still incredibly high in the sky with not a single cloud. The stars were shining, lighting the way for us. The moon’s energy was fueling my inner strength, making me feel refresh. My wolf was already pacing in my mind as I kept thinking about tasting blood. He was just as angry as I was about the situation.

The guys in the back kept gossiping and talking like a bunch of women but Alec and I kept our mouths shut. His fingers were tapping on the steering wheel and I kept looking at the map.

There really was only one way in that made sense. The other roads were dirt and with the rain they have been getting, it would be a muddy fucking mess. Assuming they wanted to have the girls in there before anyone arrived, they would be moved in the daylight.

The road ran down the middle of the little ghost town but I had my eyes set on a completely different route. We needed to be ahead of them and that ment where we should attack at. Since we didn’t know where they were coming from, we had to make some educated guesses. Going in, I wanted to do this at least twenty miles before they even got to the town.

Still, there were so many things that could go wrong. However, the men felt like they had a good plan. Using spike strips, they attacked explosives. The goal was to cause a crash, get her and get out with minimal fighting or exposure. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be able to catch us as we ran but everything would have to go perfectly right. We made a plan B, C and even D in case different situations occur.

There wasn’t any way we could be more prepared for a completely unknown situation. It was a the point that without more information, we were basically blind and hoping this worked out. I even sent a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess that this went smoothly.

As we approached the area that we would be using as our base camp, I sent Penny a quick message. Just telling her we were here and I’d let her know when we were headed home. Shutting my phone off, Alec shut the engine off. No one move or said a word until I opened my door and got out.

“Alright men. This is by no means the finale but this is the first battle of the war. Saving Kara will hopefully allow Gunther to heal quicker and with any amount to luck, some information. Remember your training. Remember the plan and above all, have each other’s backs. Everyone leaves here alive. Any questions?”

Were standing around in a circle. Everyone was taking in each word I said, as if it was the last thing they would hear. After shaking hands, everyone ran off to get to their post. Two men would be serving as cover and five of us would be on the ground. The container with the explosive was carefully picked up and carried into the adjacent forest. The sun was beating down on us. Our fully back attire was forcing us to sweat but no one complained. Part of our training was to be able to handle this. Plus, the amount of empty bottles of water on the floorboard of the van, told me they were perfectly hydrated.

Since we had no idea what time they would be driving by, once we were set up and ready, all we had to do was wait. Alec was using his binoculars to look around. They were thermal so it was a little tricky in the daylight but it would still give us time to relax. At least it would give the men a chance to relax. As I paced around the same three trees, the men were silently talking amongst themselves. Not really giving a shit what they were staying, I focused on the road.

Occasionally, some cars drove by but it was the traditional traveler. “Heads up. Possible convoy headed this way.” One of our look outs said in my ear.


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