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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 470

“They are. Not sure how many and what they are capable of. Alec and I had a meeting with Sir Joe…”

“You what? You called up the head of the mafia and what, asked to meet up with him? How did you get his number?” Anthony asked.

“Anthony, I am about five seconds from shutting you up.” Carson looked deadly at Anthony. Thankfully, Anthony had the brains to shut up. Carson gave him a few minutes before looking at me. “Continue.”

“My informant was killed. Still not sure why who but he was. There is an old man that runs the auctions. Rip used to pay him a hefty amount to keep things…. in his favor. Since he is dead, Vin hasn’t kept that up.

Actually, he has bullied and pissed the old man off. At one point, I was following Gunther and ran into this place. So, I called the old man up and told him I would pay him if he started telling me when auctions were and for any information. Vin has pissed off a lot of men that used to be allies. So, the old man told me about Kara being sold. Alec had a man that we put undercover. He got close enough the number air dropped onto his phone. So, yeah. Technically, I did just call him up. Googling the etiquette, I asked for a meeting and with a few request. He stayed up to his end and it was completely civil. At the end, he said he is going to stand by Vin because these wolves would increase his power ability. I told him that I would be declaring war and I wanted to kill Vin. Basically, we shook hands and said may the best man win.” It wasn’t word for word but that was the gist of it.

“Fuuuck.” Lars put the pictures down and ran his hands through his hair.

“Yeah. I declared war and I can’t tell you how many men he has but the longer we wait, the more will come. I made my intentions very clear as did he. The thing is, we don’t know where they are hiding out at. We put a poison in the air system at that castle so other than the dead bodies, they could be anywhere.”

“So, they want to kill Penny for her blood.” Aston was wrapping his head around it.

“No, they don’t.” I knew my voice changed as everyone looked at me.

When I didn’t keep going, Alec helped me out. “They want to hold her hostage for continuous blood supply. They want the babies to be raised under their care for their blood.”

Hank looked sick. “That’s the most fucked up thing I have ever heard.”

My jaw was clenched together so tightly, I swear I could hear my teeth cracking. “It isn’t going to happen.”

“What do you think you need from us?” Carson asked, shutting his folder.

“I’m not 100% sure since I’m not sure about what it means to go up against the mafia.”

Aston stood up and started pacing. “I wasn’t even aware the mafia was ran by wolves!”


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