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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 471

For the last thirty minutes, I have let the hot water run over my back. With my hands on the wall, I just let the water massage my achy back. The stress and anxiety from having every choice I made being analyzed was getting to me.

I’ve been going over each decision I made, questioning if I did the right thing. So far, I stand by every choice I did but that doesn’t mean there was a better way to go about it. There was no way in hell I was going to sit back and not do everything in my power to protect my family.

Only when the water turned cold, did I turn it off. That was one thing about the pack house verse the house. The house had limited hot water, where the pack house had multiple hot water tanks. It was next to impossible to run out of hot water.

The door opened as I was drying myself off. “How did your meeting go?” Penny leaned against the door frame with her hands crossed over her chest.

“I mean… it went good, I think. They are looking over all the reports and we will meet again tomorrow. I am hoping some of them tell me tonight they are on board.”

“Are some of them not?”

“I don’t think that is it. Well, maybe for Anthony but the rest just want to be caught up on everything that is going on. Plus, they want to interview Tanya, Sherry and probably Zac. I’m hoping they agree with all my decisions I have made and halfway hoping they see something I missed.”

“Why are you hoping for that?” Penny moved out of the way so I could make my way to the bedroom. The costume was laying out across the bed.

“I’m hoping they find something else we can explore so we have a direction but on the other hand, I hope they don’t. I want to think I saw everything and was able to do the exact some thing they would have in that position.”

The last thing I wanted to do was put this robe on but Penny already had her hair and makeup done. I wasn’t going to ruin this for her. However, I’m sure she could feel my emotions and knew I wasn’t in the mood for a party… not that I had a choice.

“I’m positive you did everything you felt was right in that moment. Everyone rethinks their actions after the fact. It’s part of life.” I knew Penny was trying to make me feel better but it wasn’t working.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked without looking at her. Refusing to wear just the robe, I put on shorts and a tank before grabbing the robe.

“I am. Just need to put on my wrap. I need your help for that.”

After fixing my robe, I looked at her as I put on the necklace. “Did you get your belly painted?”

Penny smiled and opened her robe. The Earth was painted on her belly perfectly. “What do you think?”


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