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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 474

This time, I was well aware that I was laying in a lumpy bed. A beeping sound filled my ears before my eyes started opening. At first, I thought I was in a hosptial room. Montiers wrapped around my belly, an I.V. was sticking out of my arm and the smell of bleach filled my nose. It was the concrete walls that gave it away.

“Where am I?” I asked. Looking at a monitor, three separate heart beats blinked, almost in unison.

“That’s not important. Do you know who I am?”

There was a man in a white coat that was writing on a clip board. The other hand was standing to my right, looking at me. He instant gave me a chills. His black eyes looked at me like a hunter looks at prey.

“No.” I said honestly. I had some suspicions but I didn’t want to talk more than I needed to.

“My name is Vin. I’m sure your mate has talked about me to you.”

He must have saw the flash of fear across my eyes as understanding. Instead of answering his own question or statement, he laughed and walked around the end of the bed. “What are you doing to my babies?”

“Nothing right now.” The doctor said without looking at me. “They are thriving but still need a little growth. I would say another week or two before they are born.”

“Damn, that’s a long time. Can she travel?” Vin asked. His hands were on his hips as he glared at the doctor.

“No. Any air travel will put her at a great risk for a blood clot. If she dies because you put her on a plane, there goes your blood.” The doctor gave him a pointed look before walking out.

I was very much aware of how little clothing I was wearing right now. This is why I didn’t wear revealing clothing. You just never know what situations you find yourself in.

“Back to you.” Vin picked up a clear bag that was full of blood. “Thank you for this donation. Fortunately for you, I could only take so much because it put the babies at risk. I need everyone healthy but this will make a huge batch of potion.”

Tears filled my eyes as I watched him laugh and walk out of my personal torture room. My feet looked like sausages. Every time I tried to move my leg, I couldn’t. Leaning forward, I went to feel them but a sharp pull on my back made me stop.

“You have an epidural in. I wouldn’t move… unless you want to be paralyzed.” The doctor came back in. He was carrying a bucket with gloves on. Bending down by my bed, it wasn’t until he stood up that I realized he emptied a pee bag. My pee bag. That is when I notice a tub coming out from under my skirt and down the side of the bed.


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