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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 475

Colt POV

My literal worst nightmare was playing before my eyes. How I managed to not kill everyone last night was a personal accomplishment that I felt like I should be getting thanked for. Jacob, my beta, the man that was in charge of the security was sitting in front of me with one black eye, broken nose and how I didn’t break his jaw I wasn’t sure. Probably because I got pulled off him before I could keep going.

All the alphas were in my office, discussing out next steps. At this point, all my give a fucks were broken. I didn’t give a shit if Sherry wanted to talk or not. I will be putting her under command and forcing it. If Tanya didn’t walk, I would be killing her today. The time has come for answers and if they didn’t want to give them to me, I was going to kill anyone who just annoyed me.

The only thing I had going for me was the fact they weren’t going to kill Penny. They wanted her blood. By keeping her alive, they would get more blood and the doctor assured me I still had some time before the babies were born. Unless they cut them out of her, she should be pregnant for a little longer.

With my head in my hand, I was twirled my chair. Watching the men discuss what they were going to say or ask the girls. Alec just arrived and told me Tanya was outside the office when we were ready.

I watched Jacob stand up and walk to the office door. “Bring her in.” He commanded. The guard brought her in and forcefully made her sit in the chair in front of me. The room got quiet as she looked around but there wasn’t an ounce of fear in her eyes.

Leaning forward, I got to it. “I want answers.” I knew my voice was dangerously calm. Even since Penny was taken, my wolf hasn’t allowed me to push him back. My eyes were black and there was a little roughness to each word I said.

“I don’t know what you want me to say. All I know is what was going on when Rip was alive.” Tanya leaned back and crossed her arms.

Snapping my fingers, two men came froward and forced her arms on the arm rest. As much as she fought, she failed. The fight in her eyes changed to anger as she looked at the men. “After all the torture I endured, you can’t do anything to me.”

“What do you know about Darin stealing humans?”

There was a moment of recognition before she covered it up quickly. “No idea.”

Glancing over at Carson and Aston, they proceeded to grab a finger and snap it back. The sound of her finger breaking was music to my ears but she just clenched her teeth other and didn’t scream out. “If you tell me what I want to know, I’ll just kill you quicker. You can either go out in pain or make it easy. There many unimportant bones that can break and reform for me to break again.”

“Fuck off.” She spit. I didn’t even have to look at them for them to break another one. “SHIT!” Now, her eyes kept looking at her fingers. Still just filled with anger, but maybe a hint of panic.

“Honestly, I already know they were kidnapping humans. I want to know where they took them.”

“Fine! They took them to a castle in the woods! Okay? I don’t know where it is. It wasn’t like I was privy to that information.”


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