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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 476

“All I know is they said they needed an area for training. The humans they did transform were getting additional training. Plus, they needed to hunt. Their diet is larger than ours and they only eat animals. Look for a stupid forest or something.”

Tanya’s head fell back against the chair. Closing her eyes, she focused on her breathing. Looking around the room, I waited to see if anyone else had any questions but they shook their head no.

Looking at Carson, he just nodded. Standing up, he stood right in front of her. With either hand on the sides of her face, he snapped her neck cleanly. Her body went lip, almost falling out of the chair.

“Get her out of here and Jacob, get Sherry in here.” Leaning back, the warrior by the door instantly jumped up and grabbed Tanya. Tossing her over his shoulder, he carried her out. A second later, a shaking Sherry walking quickly and sat down.

“Alpha.” She bowed low and kept her eyes looking downward. I wasn’t sure if Jacob told her to do that but I didn’t give a shit either way.

“I am commanding you to answer all of Alpha Carson’s questions fully and to the best of your knowledge.” There was no point in asking if she understood, she was in my pack and therefore had no choice in the matter.

“Sherry, I understand you were mated to Cash before being mated to Jacob.” Alpha Carson started.

Sherry was clearly uncomfortable but kept her back straight. “Yes, Alpha. That was my fate.”

“Did you ever hear them talk about more locations to where they would go?” Alpha Carson stood to the side, making Sherry turn her head to look at him.

“There was a few times I was cleaning and would hear them walk by and would be talking. I don’t have really anything concrete. I know they mentioned a vacation house in the state over but I couldn’t even tell you where it was or which state.”

There wasn’t a reason to torture her since she was under my command. “Where you forced to go with any males to a location in the woods?”

“Um… one time I went to this really old looking house in the woods. They forced me to clean up the basement. There was blood and all sorts of stuff everywhere.”

Alpha Carson looked at me. Nodding in response, he kept going. “What happened in the basement?”

“Massacre.” Sherry closed her eyes and shook her head. “There was a few girls that hadn’t died yet so I put them out of their misery. Otherwise, they would have just buried them alive.”

“They might have started their experiments there and then after that, moved to a different location.” Aston said out loud.

Sherry’s head snapped up. “Experiments?” Her eyes quickly looked at me before snapping back down at the floor.

“What do you know about experiments?” Carson asked with zero remorse to his voice. I might actually kill anyone who shows any sympathy right now. Jacob included. He was standing be the door with his arms over his chest. His wolf was begging to come out and protect his mate. Thankfully, Jacob kept him in check.

“I don’t know anything about an experiment but there was one time that Darin stormed into Cash and I’s room. He was beyond mad. Apparently, Cash didn’t secure something and they got into the city.” Sherry shrugged and looked questioningly at Carson. “Not sure if that helps or not.”


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