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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 479

Colt POV

“Is Gunther awake yet?” Alpha Lars asked.

“No.” Cassie just left. Jacob was in charge of extracting all the information out of her as possible. How he was going to do that wasn’t my concern.

“Is it a medical induced coma?”

“What are you getting at?” Alpha Hank asked.

“Wake his ass up. I don’t give a shit how it affects him. He’s lucky to be alive and he has his mate. Wake his ass up and get the answers that you need.”

The thought really hasn’t occurred to me but after he said it, I was all for it. “Colt.. you ca-” Anthony started but I had jumped to my feet already.

“Let’s go.”

No one dared argue with me. Walking right past everyone else, I made my way to the hospital. Regardless of their feelings, they followed me. Even if it kills him, I will wouldn’t care.

“Alpha Colt?” A nurse did a double take as I stormed in. The door bounced off the wall hard enough that it should have shattered. Somehow, it didn’t.

Ignoring her, we went straight to the stairs and went to the second floor. “Alpha Colt.” The guard greeted me before his eyes looked behind me. His eyebrows buried but he didn’t question me.

“Go get the doctor that has been on this case.” I commanded.

“No need. He is inside already.” The guard said instantly.

The wood on the door protested as I turned the handle to push it open before it was even ready to be moved. “Doctor, wake him up.”

The doctor did a double take as we walked in. Kara, who was standing off to the side, coward back from my aura. “Alpha Colt? Do what?” He was writing on a clipboard but stopped.

“I want to ask him questions, wake him up now.”

“Alpha Colt, if I did that, his brain might start swelling again. He co-”

“I don’t care if he fucking dies, wake him up. Have you forgotten your Luna is missing and he might have the information needed to save her?”

The doctor frowned but did as I asked. “B-but Colt…” Kara said timidly. A very deep, threatening growl ran up my throat as I looked over at her. “Alpha Colt. Please.”

“I have questions for you both. Don’t forget you aren’t innocent in this either.” My voice was so low and calm sounding that Kara was visibly shaking.

Thankfully, she had the common sense to shut up and take a step away from me but closer to Gunther. “I’ll warn you doctor, I can wake him up but if the pressure raises, I’ll have to put him back under. You may have a few minutes at best.”

“Do it.” I said instantly. The other alphas had moved either around the room or made a line around me. My arms were folded as the doctor pushed in a milky looking liquid into his I.V.

“Give it a second.” The doctor said and took a step back. He set down that syringe and grabbed another one.

“Gunther?” Kara grabbed his hand and looked at him. The whole display made me want to grab Kara and throw her against the wall.


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