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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 480

“Where was this?” I asked.

“I don’t know. We were blind folded and I was so scared. Gunther was dying and I… I don’t know. Next thing I know is I was being shoved into a cell to be sold. They laughed as they did this because they thought Gunther was going to die and I would die soon after. They thought they were paying their portion with me just for me to die.”

“What do you mean? Pay your portion?”

“To be part of the auction, you have to provide women. The more women you provide, the more say you have in things. Rip apparently used to run the whole thing because he would supply all the women. Gunther said he kept doing this so he would make all the other alphas do what he wanted.”

“If Vin is supplying girls that end up dying or are damaged, he will be pissing people off.” Carson supplied.

“That is until these wolves come into play. Doesn’t matter who he fucks over, he will be in charge of everything.” Hank added.

“Probably why is uncle is here. Trying to run the business.” Alec stated.

“What if he wanted to start a branch of the mafia over here?” Carson supplied.

“That mafia boss guy? He never hurt me. He told me he likes to gamble because there was always drunk guys around to offer money to.” Kara grabbed a tissue and blew her nose before standing up a little straighter.

“You spoke with him?” I asked, more curious.

“He offered me to get Gunther medical treatment if I would just tell him what I knew. He promised me he would help Gunther. So, I told him I what I knew. Which, wasn’t much since it wasn’t like you told me anything. It was more that Gunther was suppose to tell you information. However, after that, I never saw Gunther again until now. The other girls told me that he would make deals but unless the terms are in black and white, there was always fine print.”

“Damn.” Lars shook his head.

“You said Penny was taken? The other girls said that it was better to reject his offers, regardless of how appeasing they sound. It is never in your favor.”

I wasn’t sure why her words made me feel uneasy but something in me told me he would probably offer Penny something. Knowing Penny, she would do anything that meant keeping the babies alive. Even if it meant her death.

“Let’s go to your office.” Carson said after a moment of silence.

“If you think of anything else that might help us, let me know.” I commanded and walked out of the room.

With less urgency, we walked back to my office. It made sense about the casino. If he was working out of one, there would be an endless supply of women and men to use to experiment with… or sell.

Walking into my office, I had just sat down when someone shut my door. “Do you guys think he is working out of the casino?” Lars asked, mirroring my thoughts.

“It’s possible. Gunther kept saying family. Maybe he was talking about Gambino.”


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