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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 481

“I’m not sure if it means anything but she said she has met with Sir Joe Gambino many times. According to her, they are old friends. I guess she liked when he came to visit because she got to get out of the cell, cleaned up and wear clothing. However, she would get a beating afterward because she didn’t keep her mouth shut and it would cause problem.”


“Yup. I’m not sure. She kept talking about large rose bushes and how hot it was. They would travel and she got to sit with windows. I think she meant she wasn’t shoved into the trunk but she always got put back in the cells after.”

“Did she ever try to escape?”

“When I asked that, she said there was a thorn halos around but they smelled so good.”

“I don’t know what that means.” I confessed.

“Me either. However, she did say she was in a place that was very noisy.” Jacob got a smirk on his face as he said that.

“A casino is noisy.” My mind was racing.

“Bingo. I don’t want to say they are doing these experiments out of the casino but they might be using it as a front or a meeting space. Just how we met up with Gambino. If Rip took her to a dinner there with him…” Jacob trailed off.

“That’s interesting. They couldn’t be too far from that. Transporting that many people wouldn’t be the easiest.” Grabbing my phone, I dialed Alec’s men that were driving around.

“Who are you calling?” Jacob asked. His yellowing face was covered in confusion.

“Yeah.” He answered.

“Go to the casino and do some surveillance. I want someone undercover in there. Just get the layout and don’t go too risky on me. I am thinking they are taking drunk people for experiments and what not. There might be a house or castle near by that they could be using.”

“Maybe an abandoned building?”

“Yeah, do you have something?” I asked as my hope soared.

“Not yet. We pulled up the logs on ownership of different buildings in this area. Let me do some digging.” He said and hung up quickly.

“What now?” Jacob looked like he wanted direction but I didn’t have any.

Shrugging, I was at a loss for words. It’s not like I could go home. The place was empty. The only thing that filled it was memories of Penny and the life we were building. If I went home, I would probably only smash everything.

Jacob stood up and started walking to the door before stopping. He turned and looked at me with pity in his eyes before he spoke. “I’ll figure out the dinner arrangements. Just be down there in two hours.”

After I didn’t respond, he walked out the door. Softly, he closed it behind him. I was just….lost. Sitting around feeling sorry for myself wasn’t going to do it but I already had men out looking. We needed information and right now, I didn’t have any worth any value.


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