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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 486

Colt POV

My office door opened without anyone knocking. “Did you even sleep?” Carson walked in with more energy than I cared for. Everyday that I was away from Penny, my mood reflected that.

“What do you think?” I asked. Truthfully, I don’t think I have slept since she was taken. How many days was that now? Enough that I was starting to question my decisions.

Carson pulled an orange pill bottle from his pocket and gently placed them on my desk. “You are no help to anyone if you don’t sleep. Your judgement is impaired. You will make mistakes. Those mistakes could cost you your life, the life of your men or worse… the life of Penny.” Carson sat down and waited… judging my reaction.

“Where did you get the pills?” I was half amused and half annoyed.

“The doctor. I asked him for something to help you. I knew you weren’t going to listen to him. You might listen to Alec. However, I watched you grow. I was an uncle to you as you grew up. On a personal level, I think of you as my son. You’re father was one of my best friends growing up. I made him a promise a week before he died and I promised him I would look after you. Be there for you. You have done one hell of a job so far. You need to sleep if you want to be able to get Penny back.”

I wasn’t fully surprised my dad reached out to him. He wasn’t wrong, he has been like my uncle. Got me birthday gifts, attended any event I had and even showed me a few fighting moves. If dad was going to ask anyone to help that I would listen to, he chose right.

“You think my judgement is being impaired?” I challenged.

“Not yet but it will if you don’t sleep.” He wasn’t blinking as he stared at me. He meant business and his focus wasn’t going to shift off of me.

Grabbing the bottle, I slipped it in my pocket. “Is your daughter ready to go?” I was done with the heart to heart.

“She is. I wanted to speak with you alone first.” Carson sighed and relaxed in the arm chair. “She is with Hank at the front door. She is getting stronger but her wolf isn’t back so I don’t know how successful this will be.”

“If you taught her the same things you taught me, she might be able to get us closer.”

“Assuming she kept her head on her shoulders. She is very traumatized over the entire thing.” Carson almost aged 40 years in five seconds

“She doesn’t have a mate, right?” I was trying to remember but was drawing a blank. I didn’t even recognize her when I saw her because it had been so long.

“Not yet but until she gets her wolf back, she might not ever know.”

“Why wouldn’t she get her wolf back?” Surely, after healing a little, she would be able to get her wolf back.


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