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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 487

“Time to wake up.” Someone shook me. Only blackness filled my vision but soon all the sounds of people opening car doors and slamming them shut confused me.

“We are here?” I tried to open my eyes but it was hard. The sun was too bright and I just wanted to go back to the blackness.

“Yeah. We are close, anyway.” Carson opened the door and got out. Leaving me alone in the car to gather myself. Everything came rushing back, making my heart fall. Still, my body was stiff as fuck. It was some needed sleep but I needed another twenty-four hours. That wasn’t happening until Penny came home.

I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, gathering myself to wake up but by the time I got out, they were all laughing. “What’s so funny?” I said in a very gruff voice.

“Nothing. We figured you could visit the old man first and then we can make our way.” Carson started.

“Hank will stay with Nora and I will see what I can do about planting a listening device.”

“Do you have ear pieces for us to talk?” I asked, trying to keep from yawning.

“Right here.” Hank pulled out a black box from his pocket, with a click, he opened it and offered it to us. Carson and I both took one and put it in our ears as Hank did the same. Nora shook her head, declining one.

“Nora, you should listen in case you have something to add.” Carson said a little more softly to her.

“Okay.” She was a little unsure as she took one with shaking hands. Hank had to help her put it in her ear but eventually she got there.

“So, no plan. Just go in and see what we can find out?” I asked as I looked into the forest. At this point, I was so familiar with this forest that I could walk it in my sleep.

“Pretty much. Don’t worry, it will make things more interesting.” Carson slapped on me on the shoulder.

“I’ve had enough excitement for awhile.” Without waiting to see if they were ready, I just headed off into the direction I have done numerous times already.

Walking around fallen trees or even areas I knew there was some sort of trap, my blank mind led me to the old man’s cabin. Not even smoke was coming up from the chimney but his silhouette bounced between the windows.

“I’ll hang back. Keep him busy in the house and I’ll go down below.” Carson whispered in my ear.

“Beware of the cameras.” I said as I moved through the trees the same way I did last time I snuck up on him.

“Roger.” Carson had way too much excitement in his voice.

Shaking my head, I waited for the old man to walk out of his kitchen before I slipped in and sat down in the same seat as I did last time.


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