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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 489

“They are watching the casino that Joe was at. I haven’t actually heard from them.”

Pulling out my phone, I sent them a text, asking if there was any updates. Carson wasn’t driving the fastest but the anticipation was very thick. Nora’s head popped between Carson and I but she was looking out the windshield.

“Maybe there was an airport not far from here?”

Carson did a double take and looked at her. “Why do you ask that?”

“I heard the sound of a plane that was really close. Not sure if it was taking off or landing but it made the car vibrate.”

Unlocking my phone, I pulled up the map and tried to find if there was an airport around here. “I don’t see anything on the maps…”

“Actually, there are a tone of farmers in this area. There might be an old abandoned one that they have fixed up.” Hank snapped his fingers as he remembered something.

Putting my phone done, I just looked out the window. “If that was the case, then it could be anywhere.”

“We drove on gravel for awhile.” Nora said, very uncertainty.

“Not sure that narrows it down.” I said out of frustration. I knew this was a long shot but damn if I couldn’t help feel a little hopeful.

“It might.” Hank said from the back. “Turn here.”

There was a a gravel road coming up on our left. “What’s here?” Carson asked as he slammed on the break. My arm instinctually reached out and stopped myself from hitting the dashboard. Nora wasn’t so lucky as her body flew over the center consol. Carson tried to stop her but only managed to bloody her nose.

“Damn!” My wolf growled as Carson made the turn.

“OW!” Nora grabbed her nose and got back in her seat.


Looking back, Hank had given her a towel. Helping her hold it on her nose, he looked out the windshield.

“Is she okay?” Carson asked.

“Go up that hill.” Hank nodded ahead. I wasn’t sure where he was going with this but Carson listened as he kept going up the hill. It was more like a tiny mountain but it was the only hill for miles. It wasn’t until we reached the top that I realized what he was wanting. If we got to the top, we could see for miles.

Carson drove till he was at the highest lookout place as possible. Pulling up to the edge of a cliff, he shut the SUV off. “Are you okay?” He asked as he turned around and looked a Nora.

Her eyes met his. “I’ve had worse.” Setting down the towel, she opened the doors and got out. Carson closed his eyes as he absorbed what she said. Wanting to give him space. Hank and I shared a look before we both got out.

“Got any binoculars?” I asked. The wind whipped at my hair as we stood at the edge.

“Yeah.” Hank said and walked back to the SUV.


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