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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 490

Penny POV

“Penny! Are you doing okay? You have been in there for awhile!” Rosalie kept knocking on the door. I was so conflicted with her that I wasn’t sure how to feel.

Currently, I was leaning on the vanity for support from the contractions. Assuming this was false labor, I refused to show it. It was nothing like what I read. From what I read, contractions were suppose to be on a constant schedule. Like every hour or something like that. What I am feeling was lasting for hours then go away for a little while before coming back full blast. There was a point after breakfast that I thought they were gone but I was wrong.

KNOCK! KNOCK! The door handle shook for the third time. “Penny! I’m getting worried!”

I was getting very irritated at this point. Grabbing the handle, I ripped open and stared her down. “I am nine months pregnant with fucking triplets. If it is going to take me thirty minutes to use the bathroom then let me fucking us thirty minutes!”

It was a weird surge of power that ran through my veins. I happened so quickly that I instantly stopped being mad. The feeling of shock and guilt instantly replaced it. It was like my body shrunk back as I calmed down.

“I’m sorry!” Rosalie took a few steps back in shock. “You have just looked pale today and the doctor will be here in five minutes.”

“I need to wash my hands and I’ll be right out.” I said softer before shutting the door on her.

On one hand, that power was something I had never experienced before. It felt so good but yet so wrong at the same time. Turning the water on to make it seem like I was washing my hands but in reality, I just wanted to know what the fuck just happened.

“Where is she?” I heard the doctor’s voice from the livingroom.

“Washing her hands. She will be right out.” Rosalie sounded like she blew him off.

“Your attitude needs some improving.” His voice sent chills down my spine in fear.

Opening the door, I walked out to see the doctor’s hand wrapped around Rosalie’s throat. Her feet weren’t on the ground and her eyes were bulging out.

“Oh, good. You decided to join us.” The doctor looked over at me and dropped Rosalie at the same time. Her body hit the floor with a thud.

All the concern I had about her being used to find dirt on me was gone. She looked up at him with disgust on her face. “No one has any patience around here.”

Glaring at the doctor, I waddled my way over to the couch and sat down. The doctor glared at me but didn’t say anything as he started up. Laying out the needles and bag, he moved my arm to get started.

“Here, drink this.” Rosalie handled me something that was green and looked like grass.

“What is it?” I asked as he stuck the needle in. I couldn’t help but scrunch up my face as he did so.


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