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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 495

Penny POV

SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! The contractions were still over ten minutes apart but they hurt like a bitch. “I can have the doctor give you an epidural.” Rosalie asked again as she rugged my back.

Currently, I was walking but I had to stop as the contractions started. Grabbing the wall, I was bent over in pain until they passed. After Joe left, more machines and different tools came into the room that I asked them to cover up.

“No epidural.” I groaned. There was no way in hell I was going to let them immobilize me. What if I had to make a run for it? What if they tried to take my babies from me? No, I needed to have my legs.

“Here, drink more water. You need to stay hydrated. If you feel dizzy at all, we need to sit. He took some blood so I would be surprised if you don’t feel dizzy.” Rosalie sighed in response. Her voice was a little horse from getting choked and her lip was looking better but still bruised.

“How long do you think I will be in labor?” I asked as I started walking again. I wasn’t permitted to leave this room so I was walking around the couch. Rosalie insisted I put an adult diaper on so the itchy material made all this extremely uncomfortable. Not that this situation was comfortable but this was just the icing on the top.

“This is your first delivery and with triplets. Your contractions aren’t making much progress so it could be tomorrow or the next day. Some women labor for days if you do it naturally.”

I didn’t say anything to her but I could deal with the pain if it meant giving me more time for Colt to find me. Keeping these babies in as long as possible was my goal. I would deal with any amount of pain.

At this point, a thin layer of sweat had formed on my forehead. My wolf has been more present today than she ever has in my entire life. She was feeding me energy that I needed to deal with the pain. It felt like she was expecting trouble, which, gave me some hope that Colt was coming.

The door busted open just as another contraction was hitting. “This is your new doctor.” Sir Joe walked in with a very professional looking male doctor. He was looking at a clip board and didn’t bother to look up.

His hair was almost completely gone but it was Rosalie that stiffened up next to me that sent warning bells in my head. Even my wolf was in a defensive position. “My name is Dr. Darington. We need to get you in bed so I can check your process and start you on some Pitocin.”

“I don’t want any medical intervention. I am going to labor the natural way.” I said through gritted teeth. It took everything in me to even speak to them.

“Actually, you’re not. Due to the terms of your agreement with Sir Joe, you agreed to recieve medical treatment. It is my professional opinion that laboring with triplets is too risky to do it naturally. We need to monitor their heart beats and make sure they are in position to deliver naturally and not a C-section.”

“Since that is his medical advice, that is what we are going to do, or do I need to remind you that you agreed to listen or I will be taking your babies as soon as they are born.” Sir Joe frowned and folded his hands together in front of him.

“That’s….” I was so stunned I couldn’t speak. It was like he trapped me.

“On the bed, please.” The doctor moved over to the bed and turned on the ultrasound machine.


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